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Hotelul Pentru Scriitori Netrebnici



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class Dariuse {


    boolean _isNewb;


    public Dariuse()


          _isNewb = true;

          System.err.println("Hes " _isNewb ? "Stupid" : " Not");



    public static main(String[] abc)


          new Dariuse();



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class Dariuse {


    boolean _isNewb = Rnd.nextBoolean();


    public Dariuse()


          System.err.println("Hes " + _isNewb ? "a newb" : "pro");



    public static main(String[] abc)


          new Dariuse();




Fixed.. boolean at random XD

Trebuia sa plec aseara >.>

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ma poti ajuta ?

pay me ?:D


Fa un NpcHtmlMessage sa dea un null pointer sau o exceptie.. doesn't matter >.> si inconjoaral in try & catch...

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