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 Complicat complex, compilat in combinatii de context creeaza circumvolutiuni convexe pe cortex

Onest obsesiv obtureaza optica obiectiv, opereaza ostentativ O.P.O.Z.A.N.D.

Nemilos, neintrecut, Nefarius natural nefiltrat nu naste nascociri nefondat

Tehnic, tactic, tictac intr-un Touareg tunat din Tel Aviv, Titanic titrat tiranic turmentat

Relativ; reprezentativ, reorientat revolutie: razboi, reorganizare, reconstructie.

Opozitie optima oprind orice obstructie orchestrat

Lupta la limita lexic la limita liberarea lumii din linii limitate lupta pentru libertate, legende

Urbane unde univers utopic ultimatum unitate

Leave logic Lex Luther, LSD lichid la litru LSA luat la ... cu limba lipit de LSD la timbru


Tipul temut cu trup tatuat, tipul tacut tripat, tipul cu tupeu turbat, teroristu' cu turban trucat

Evident evidenta existentei extraterestre expusa, evitarea-i exclusa

Hitler, Hesserman, Himmler, Hoffmann, Houser, Houseoper Heidrich Heide, haide-napoi

Neo-nazi, never, NOS pe Nissan Navara NFS, nimicind nimfe pe neve, neveste nimfomane

Informare, invidid initiat introduce indicii-n initiale...intentionat

Comandant cecen cercetand campu' de combat, coordonand complotu' creand contact C4 compact-disc


Direct detonat, drum in dric dubla doxa dopat, DJ dependent de discuri drogat direct

Exprimat, emcee expert exceland in experat, exemplul extrem exploziv exhaustiv


Concret, creativ, corect, Coca-Cola cand coace canicula, Corado Catani, Caracatita, Caligula

Aliaj absolut adamantium anacronic, Absinth abis anarhic atac atomic altfel ai

Luat leapsa te las lefter, lupt ca lupii, lupt lejer las lasii-n lesa, ii lesin cu-n levier

Inte-riorizat invincibil infailibil infinit indivizibil invizibil indefinit

Terifiant teribil tixit de talent, terorist temut in atentate tentat sa taie

Atent; alfabet aliterat aleatoric, Albert Einstein, acustic antiseptic, artistic alegoric

Tremur tectonic, tact teutonic, tactic ca Toni trag tac tiptil tractarii cu tonic

Eufonic euforic, eu fonic eficace, el bufonic eu vivace, evident evit ace, eu fin in film e fin in fine pace!


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    • Let's make one thing clear here, you don't have a patch/rev, what you have is a complete theft of codes, and if you are a real man, admit it, because my BR friends know very well that you are known for being the so-called interface copy/paste, because you don't create anything, you take advantage of years of work from people and steal it and sell it and you have the courage to talk about my patch, be ashamed of yourself.
    • i dont know why im the topic here if this is not even my patch, it seems you love me, even know my whole story... xd but good old times when we would EXCHANGE stuff betwen our selfs to make interfaces to our usage and likening... never talked to much with OMGz, but seems like a good guy   good old times when was all just having fun and editing stuff and playing, today is all about clout and money, i have that u dont hahahah   they will never come back..   i already left anything beside long time ago idk why think on me too much, just want to enjoy my free time to play some games and have fun.. but looks like somehow find a way to relate me to something, maybe you think on me to much idk, kinda weird.. unfortunately, you are looking at this code thinking that  "oh it has his name and abreviation, its from him" but i must say its not... i dont need to stay here saying that this and that happened, because i know very well that you know exactly what happened... peace for all PS: and.. my main language is pt br, not spanish like in the src...
    • Hi, i copy patch from L2acdc but have problem with 2 things... HP indicator, target animation... some1 know fix it ? i think need edit .dll files for it. Or its working it here in this patch ? thx    
    • so your guarantee is 0%, I'm sorry, it's his, just look at the interface.u codes, shameless even variable names or file calls with the name vraekar and vk, I know who this guy is, he's not even a programmer, he's a data analyst, who shamelessly stole the codes from omg and silent, mainly from omg, from whom the theft was shameful.
    • Yes, I can add it. This is my work for Costume skills. Soon will be reworked to handler. And about bow skills its my custom work.. preventing to use bow skills if you dont have arrows 😄  
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