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Offline Shops.

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I did an offline shop module for L2Mxc server and I would like to know what you think about the online shopping. It has been on some l2j server already.


Offline shopping means player can disconnect and his private store will stay online until you login again.


You guys like this sort of feature on the servers you have played on who had it?




Right now players can write .shop to generate the offline store.



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well i like it b/c some ppl close their computers when they are sleep, and with offline shop is more easy to sell something b/c the char stills online and selling.


Also you don't need to run 2 clients at same time if you want to sell something.

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HMm, Manton i ask you a pretty easy question, if i make my own shop, leave game, then i can log - in at other char in same account?


No you can't use same account. It will just disconnect your private store if you try login again.

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  • 2 months later...

I played on the other server with this feature, and its really nice to have this offline shop, but that was web base, if closing the browser will terminate the session of my account and disconnected it.

and server will flood dramatically, in the future user will use huge number of character to sell an items, at the same time buying in a different account..

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