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[Share][Trick]Shortcut to 2nd class transfer


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Note: You need to have 3milions adena to do this and to have lvl 40.

Credits to l2vault.ign

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i was thinking that everyone knows about this... i will explain to those ho didn't understand or didn't read it... this Quest is for low or mid rates Gracia1+ server where you need to do the Quest for 2nd class. Because the quest for 2 class is long and boring NCsoft made an alternative 1 that is very short but you need to pay 3kk. (almost useless on official if you don't have a friend with allot of adena or if not "ebay" ) and BTW Kamael cant do it.

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It's a bit a cheat when clan reputation points are awarded for completing 2nd class transfer... on many servers there is not even need to do quest, the cat do the job.

You just go with buffer and on x15+ it's no problem to level few chars up to 40 :D

With disciplined clan it gives more than doing RB :P

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