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[Share]Little pvp/pk color engine


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read before post: while others all they do is add more and more config (which increase the memory usage and have the limit of the vars you add), this one allows you to add all as you want dinamycally, w/o modifying the core each time you wanna add a new rank, aslo doesnt contains a lot of checks by if .. else if.., it just use an algorithm wich retrives the color by the pk/pvp amount

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Tried to patch it, I almost succeeded, I build it but when I start the gameserver this message pops up:

com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorExceptions: Table '(Database name here).pvp_nick_color' doesn't exists


PS: Is patched it on L2J Gracia Final.



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I did but this error pops up:


[Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '50' for key 'PRIMARY'
[Err] INSERT INTO `pvp_color_nick` (`pvppk_count`, `color`, `type`) VALUES
-- PvP Colors
(50, 'CCFF99', 'pvp'),
(100, 'CCCC99', 'pvp'),
(150, '663300', 'pvp'),
(200, 'FF3333', 'pvp'),
(250, 'FF0000', 'pvp'),

-- PK Colors
(50, 'CCFFFF', 'pk'),
(100, '9999FF', 'pk'),
(150, '6666FF', 'pk'),
(200, '3333FF', 'pk'),
(250, '0000FF', 'pk');
[Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully



The table exists inside the database but it can't read it for some reason :S

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I did that, seems to be working now with same values BUT it still pops that message up when I start the gameserver.bat:

com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorExceptions: Table '(Database name here).pvp_nick_color' doesn't exists

What should I do? It says that it doesn't exist but it is in the database :S, seems core side problem.

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Can you help me re-apply it, I can give you access though teamviewer since you are the author I guess you can patch it quickly...


Nevermind, it worked.

Thanks anyway.




There is a small problem which I noticed!

When the player has Karma and logs in-game his color changes depending his PVP instead of staying red, how can I fix that?

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