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Hey guys i have a problem with my custom gm shops :S

i use gracia epilogue client and latest rev of l2java..well my problem is that when i try to click to buy some items for example:

S80 weapons (button) i got dc critical error and dissconnects me :s plz can any1 solve my problem? :(

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well html's are made from me but multisells i took from other shop and edited them as i said in my old epilogue used to work fine anyway take a look:


<html><title>GM Shop</title>



<table width=230>



<td align=center><img src="icon.armor_t91_uf_i00" width=32 height=32></td>

<td align=center><button value="S-80" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_multisell 90029" width=85 height=26 back="L2UI_ct1.button_df" fore="L2UI_ct1.button_df"></td>

<td align=center><img src="icon.armor_t93_ue_i00" width=32 height=32></td>




<td align=center><img src="icon.armor_t89_ul_i00" width=32 height=32></td>

<td align=center><button value="S Grade" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_multisell 90000" width=85 height=26 back="L2UI_ct1.button_df" fore="L2UI_ct1.button_df"></td>

<td align=center><img src="icon.armor_t88_u_i00" width=32 height=32></td>




<button value="Back" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Link merchant/99999.htm" width=85 height=20 back="L2UI_ct1.button_df" fore="L2UI_ct1.button_df">





multisell 90000:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>


<!-- Created with Lineage II - Multisell Manager -->

<!-- ©  -->


<list maintainEnchantment="true">


 <!-- Imperial Crusader Breastplate -->

 <item id="4">

   <ingredient id="57" count="2000000000"/>

   <production id="6373" count="1"/>

   <production id="6374" count="1"/>

   <production id="6376" count="1"/>

   <production id="6375" count="1"/>

   <production id="6378" count="1"/>

   <production id="6377" count="1"/>



 <!-- Draconic Leather Armor -->

 <item id="10">

   <ingredient id="57" count="2000000000"/>

   <production id="6379" count="1"/>

   <production id="6381" count="1"/>

   <production id="6380" count="1"/>

    <production id="6382" count="1"/>



 <!-- Major Arcana Robe -->

 <item id="14">

   <ingredient id="57" count="2000000000"/>

   <production id="6383" count="1"/>

   <production id="6385" count="1"/>

   <production id="6384" count="1"/>

   <production id="6386" count="1"/>






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Try in xml to change from count="1"/> to count="1" /> - I mean a space before every />

And keep item ids in order, you start with <item id="4"> then <item id="10">, IMHO should be <item id="1"> and <item id="2"> and so on in oder.

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erm sorry but w00t is this ? <list maintainEnchantment="true"> first time i see this shit in a xml file w00t

Check xmls from Mammon, maintainEnchantment is used when you trade one weapon to another and you keep the enchant.
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Rio, take any xml from multisell and rename it to 90000.xml

then restart server, try to buy S Grade

If that will work - the problem is in xmls, if not - the problem is elsewhere, mayby html

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Check xmls from Mammon, maintainEnchantment is used when you trade one weapon to another and you keep the enchant.


Rio, take any xml from multisell and rename it to 90000.xml

then restart server, try to buy S Grade

If that will work - the problem is in xmls, if not - the problem is elsewhere, mayby html

1st:i just removed this line :<list maintainEnchantment="true">and same problem...

2nd:i did it and nope i c/p edited with my buylist and problem didnt fixed yet :(

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