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[Share] Vote For The Server Restart

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as i said before, use just one class. There, a static FastList<InetAddress> ips = new FastList<InetAddress>();


on cmd use


if(!YourEngineClass.ips.contains(player.getClient().getConnection().getInetAddress()) {





A List talking in java api terminology, is a Generic type, which implements the Collection interface

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its a good idea, but dumb at the same time... like takhs7 said... the server would be restarting all the time b'coz ppl would find that interesting and they would restart it just for fun... but thats not all, they could exploit this option for example: bosses or something...


i've got takhs7's back for auto restarts =)


regardless, thank you for sharing!

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on server start up


long minimunNonRestartTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + Config.MIN_RESTART_DELAY;


On cmd use:


if(System.currentTimeMillis() < YourEngineClass.minimunNonRestartTime) {

              player.sendMessage("Server restarted not much ago!");

              return false;



Fixed :)


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1) You better  create a diff

2) You can handle all this engine within one class, avoiding creating new objects (1 objects is not problem, but avoid it its better than create)

3) Ppl cry when L2PcInstance is modified (cause update conflicts). Just make a list where all players who voted get inside.

On cmd use, if (list.contains(player)) return false;


for everything else, nice idea, really usefull



4) maybe make the vote number depend on how much online ppl...


anyway.. im rlly surprised you had the guts to do it without logging ips in the first place =P

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  • 3 months later...

Nice dig-up. Another protection against stupid-restart from players, would be to introduced a derivative in the voting system. Votings can clear every 2 mins. Each 2 mins the system checks the votes/time, if that number is high, then it means that many people voted during that time. In other words it doesnt measure the "votes" in a long duration , but the votes/time. Usually votes/time will be high only when teh server starts lagging.

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  • 8 months later...

Ποτε δεν ειχα φανταστει εναν τετοιο code (θεμα φαντασιας).

Απλα απιθανη δουλεια φιλε μου mossano.

Τελεια δουλεια οταν Κολαει ο σερβερ και δεν ειναι μεσα ο game master.

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