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Update with Revision 6988

Fixed in this Rev:

-DP: Subclipse 1.6.6 & Subversion 1.6.9

-Core: Subclipse 1.6.6 & Subversion 1.6.9

-Missing Db cleanup.

-Delaying disconnection on double login for 400ms , should be enough to send sysmsg.

-For chance skills with TARGET_SELF choose owner as caster.

-New condition <player isHero="true">

-XML: DataPack?-Side for ChanceSkillTrigger?:



Update with Revision 7000

Fixed in this Rev:

-New condition <player pkCount="xx" />

-NPE fix.

-Cosmetic fix: remove double message when unequipping two-handed weapons by item restrictions.

-Native language support for config files. System locale used for determining default charset.

For example, Russian windows have cp1251 codepage as default.

-Update reuse skill message for pet/summon skills.

-Update mysql-connector to version 5.1.11.

-Fix for broken party list.

-Chance skills should not be triggered if character is dead.

-Epic Dawn Admin Teleports.

-Dawn Braclet.

-Secret Oracle of Dawn and Disciple's Necropolis (past) Doors.

-XML: "RemoveTarget?" effects should be with noicon="1".

-Calendar roll fix.

-XML: Missing EnemyCharge? effect in some skills.

-XML: Missing flyRadius in some skills.

-JAVA: Baylor fix.

-XML: Duration in this BUFFS should be 120 seconds, not 300.


Update with Revision 7007

Fixed in this Rev:

-Hellbound manager.

-Enable access to Hellbound by default for now.

-Launchers update.

-Switching to java nature project

-Fix for summon spawn animation.

-QUEST: New quest/instance : Pailaka - Song of Ice and Fire

-JAVA: Fix for summon spawn animation

-Quest's reward rework

-JYTHON: Few more quests with new reward multipliers

-Wedding teleport cant be used when target in no-summon zone.

-Script zone require different handling - teleporting now done in separated thread.

-GMs can port to Hellbound without quests using admin ports.


Update with Revision 7014

Fixed in this Rev:

-Several optimizations to GameTimeController

   * Removed TimeWatcher thread

   * Modified moveObject method

   * Several extra little optimizations

-Fix for 4 items with 100%+ droprate

-HTML: Little update

-Spawn 2 Missing NPC + HTML

-Few HTML/ITEM fixes

-JAVA: Vanguard "Boost Morale" should stay after untransform.

-XML: stackOrder & stackType for some Item Skills

-Hellbound NPC


Update with Revision 7023

Fixed in this Rev:

-EMPTY_ARRAY for child classes

-A couple of optimizations:

   * Using ArrayList? instead of FastList? with fixed initial size (there wont be any reallocation ever)

   * Avoiding some garbage by reusing Env (whose internal parameters are the same) through all xxxTemplates (funcs/effects)

-CS: libs update.

-Invisible effect for GM.

-Territory Managers multisell update to GE, Supply Boxes now extractable

-PinsAndPouchUnseal? Update

-Updates for item prices

-XML: EnemyCharge? not needed for AREA related skills

-Added New Belts to Exchange Multisell

-HTML Updates for Belt NPC's

-Update for PinsAndPouchUnseal? Script

-Skills assigned to new belts (skills NOTDONE)

-New Belts, Clips, Ornaments in GMSHOP

-Optimizations on Transformation scripts

-Quest Signs Of Revolt is no longer available in Gracia Epilog.

-Fix for some spawns and html little update


Update with Revision 7031

Fixed in this Rev:

-Save Keyboard Settings. Disabled on default cause of some issue.

-EndScenePlayer? packet support.

-Fix for client crash? looks like NC fixed it for us anyway :)

-EndScenePlayer? rework.

-Block Checker Server Packets update.

-Agathions rework. Correct skills assigned, incorrect removed, new agathions added.

-XML: Agathions skill update

-XML: Snipe skill enchant fix

-SQL/XML: Masterwork items.

-XML/SQL: MW corrections


Update with Revision 7037

Fixed in this Rev:

-Support for changing if NPC is auto-attackable or not.

-New functions isMortal() and setIsMortal(). If NPC has isMortal = false then he will not die if HP decreased to 0.

-XML: "nextActionAttack" boolean in some skills (for future usage).

-SQL: New hunting grounds droplist: Field of Silence, Field of Whispers and Den of Evil

-SQL: GMShop update

-SQL: Typo fix in "Atraiban's Top Disciple" NPC

-XML: Missing "magicLvl" in some skills.

-SQL: GMshop update with some funny stuff.





I think you're working in the project. Would you like to build some event (ctf,dm,etc.) to the pack?


Sorry for my bad english. 

I am not working on this project, i just update daily this topic with new rev of this project.


Hey there & thank you for your updates.I want to ask something.

How i can update my server with new revs without loosing my data?characters,npc's,clans,configs,etc.

You know what i mean?



Update with Revision 7041

Fixed in this Rev:

-Items which has element bonus not handled by skill will shown in item description.

-Support for enable/disable minions spawn. Needed for Hellbound native slaves.

-Fast knownlist update for mobs with EnemyClan? set, allowing them to react immediately.

-Allow control of the monsters attacking enemy clan. Attacking is possible only if target is auto-attackable (true by default).

  For example, slaves in Hellbound Quarry should not be attacked by guards until they follow player.

-KnownList? full region update if failed on last pass + cleanup.

-XML/SQL: Territory War Jewelry

-JYTHON: An Arrogant Search quest update to match Epilog.

-SQL: Yintzu and Paliote are now spawned on Forsaken Plains

-SQL: And no longer spawned inside Giant's Cave...


Update with Revision 7054

Fixed in this Rev:

-Does not create new QuestState? in database for "Created" quests. Database record created only in "Started" state.

-EnterWorld? trace route.

-Login server version changed. Make sure you use latest

-Account IP protection.

-ShowMiniMap? update.

-Holding references pointing to frequently used hardcoded skills in an enumeration. Decreases CPU usage

-SQL: Forsaken Plains and Giants Cave spawnlist update.

-SQL: Giants Cave droplist

-SQL: Some mobs corrections

-SQL: User IP restriction. If that field constains IP number - login to account is possible only from that IP.

 Leave NULL to be able to login from any IP. Usable when users have static IP, increasing security. Database update is required

-Quest: 192_SevenSignSeriesOfDoubt

-Some Fixes related to Epic Dawn Quests

-Sealed Knight's Cloak Purchasable from Castle Chamberlains

-XML: ON_EXIT Triggered Skills should land always.

-XML/SQL: Hellbound (Town Zone).

-XML: Some missing enchant values

-XML: Fixes (weird fixes for weird NCZ0ft typos) for "icons" in Territory Earings (passive skills)

-SQL: Mob stats update

-Territory Jewels to GM Shop Territory Section

-Optimizations on Transformation scripts

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