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[Exploit]Instant Respawn

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When you die, you have to respawn in the nearest village, however it is possible to respawn at the exact same spot, but with 0 HP. When you are dead, hit the System icon (ALT+X) and select Exit Game, however, do not click OK to exit, simply leave the window there. Now, hit restart in town and in the split second your character starts to stand, hit exit. When you reenter the game, you will find yourself alive on the same spot. Contrary to popular belief, this bug does not prevent any xp loss.




if arleady share lock ;D

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Realy nice exploit. I will test it :)


exploit? hahhhahaha lol'ed


btw in some chronicles such:c3,c4 if you do this "bug" even if you don't have noblesse your buffs are saved ;)

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