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[Question]l2racesupremancy closed?


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gz for your codes interPOD , no one of them worked..

about fail....  heeh, ia m the winer nigga. ... fail maybe are u, many years studing java  and no one of your codes worked ... when my dev saw them , sayed " L A W L .. naab devs.


gz for your NOLIFE.


about testing, when i talked with you  about how the work will be  , it was supposed that the code was 100% working.  is not my fault why u have pentium 1 and cant test...but nvm.


have a nice day.


PS: L2rs will reopen.

Omg, i don't even know who would be that stupid to play at YOUR server. You can't even manage the most simple things. You even come here and flame intrepid, loled. And if your dev is SO pro then why don't you use him and search for alternatives?


Whatever, since the question is answered, topic locked to prevent further flaming.

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