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[Gracia Final L2J] L2-Professional


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dont belive him :D u will need 40 days to be 20 lvl :D

if he knows same l2 as you do , more than 40 days i can say
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ehm mate , its x100 with boosted zones 1-61 and 80-83 , with those areas you will reach top level within .. 30 minutes and less ;)

you will have custom lv up areas ??? because if you have the thing change :) when svr will be on ???

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you will have custom lv up areas ??? because if you have the thing change :) when svr will be on ???

no it is not gonna be like this , let me explain you ..


usually in mid servers you xp to 20 in gremlins then ruins of despair then cruma 1 then cruma 2 , etc etc..


So we'll make some zones like them gives you more xp like a x1000 server so you will be 61 lvl in some minutes and then you xp as a x100 , then on 76 level there are some other zones where again like a x1000 server you xp from 76 to 83 then 83-85 normally to 100


if you dont wanna go to this areas , you can levelup as an x100 at all although.



updated quest system and subclass system

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Changed ETA Times , we will move hosting company (we will choose another) for better prices and stability .


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Changed ETA Times , we will move hosting company (we will choose another) for better prices and stability .


Which company do you use now?

And what's the monthly cost?

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Which company do you use now?

And what's the monthly cost?

We moved to WS and the cost is 120euros per month :)
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    *  Intel Core i7 920 2.66Ghz

    * 8192 MB DDR3 RAM

    * 500 GB 7.200 RPM

    * 2000 GB Traffic p/m

    * 1000 mbbs up/down

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We are gonna paste the new template today , so we will be running our forums prolly by today night or by tomorrow!!

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We are gonna paste the new template today , so we will be running our forums prolly by today night or by tomorrow!!

If krash manage to install it cause I ain't!

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I think that I successfully edited a website template...

krash are you gonna install it?

it very hard to open with notepad and edit them ah?
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