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w0w, hello MxC. Today while i was searching in L2J Forums i found something freaking cool.


- I am not sure if is working - I haven't tested it.


That's how it works:

<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_GiveBuffs SkilldId SkillLvl PriceItemId Priceammount">get buff XXXX</a>

See ?? You write after GiveBuffs(space)SkillId(space)SkillLvl(space)PriceItemId(space)Priceammount.


Here is a real Example.

<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_GiveBuffs 1204 2 57 5000000">get buff XXXX</a>

1204 ( The id of the skill ), 2 ( Skill level or buff level ), 57 ( Is adena, id of adena ), 500000 ( The ammount of adena, for this buff )


^^ is windwalk Buff, level 2. And you get this for xxxxx adena.


This is the simple diff, for this function:

Index: D:/Workspace/L2_GameServer/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/model/actor/instance/L2NpcInstance.java
--- /java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/model/actor/instance/L2NpcInstance.java	(revision 2501)
+++ /java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/model/actor/instance/L2NpcInstance.java	(working copy)
@@ -890,6 +891,27 @@
                html.replace("%playername%", player.getName());
+            else if(command.startsWith("GiveBuff")){
+            	String[] params = command.split(" ");
+            	int SkillId 	= Integer.parseInt(params[1]);
+            	int SkillLvl 	= Integer.parseInt(params[2]);
+            	int ItemId 	= Integer.parseInt(params[3]);
+            	int ItemAmmount = Integer.parseInt(params[4]);
+            	int Ammount 	= player.getInventory().getItemByItemId(ItemId).getCount();
+            	L2Item item = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(ItemId);
+            	if(Ammount < ItemAmmount)
+            	{
+            		player.sendMessage("You don't have enough " + item.getName() + " to get this buff." );
+            		player.sendMessage("You need " + ItemAmmount + " " + item.getName() + " to be able to get this buff.");
+            	}
+            	else
+            	{
+            		player.getInventory().destroyItemByItemId("getting buffs", ItemId, ItemAmmount, player, null);
+            		L2Skill skill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(SkillId, SkillLvl);
+            		skill.getEffects(this, L2Character.class.cast(player));
+            	}
+            }
            else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("TerritoryStatus"))
            	NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(getObjectId()); 


Credits: L2JForum


Easier : Make a phyton and change ITEM_ID and price of bufs xD

Python sucks, and always STUCKS.


man no make double post...!!:S btw this can be hacked?

For now yes..


wait wait, is this for a buffer .. or? i didnt understand.

Also if its not protected why do you share it?

Because i want.


Note: This function is not reccomended !, Hackers may send packets ! Although with some protections :D It can be useful. I will try to protect it.


you can always make a check if the player is in peace zone or not >.<

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