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Description: This plugin creates fog on the server. Unlike other plugins that option can be stopped / started.


Credits: shine771


1. It advanced_fog.sma put in addons / amxmodx / scripting

2. It advanced_fog.amxx put in addons / amxmodx / plugins

3. Come to the file addons / amxmodx / configs / plugins.ini and add the following:


Cvar's (add to the file amxmodx \ configs \ amxx.cfg):


      amx_fog_default <1 / 0> - The game begins with fog (Default - 1)

      amx_fog_amount <1.9> - Density Cetei (Default - 1)




Administrative orders (to type in the console, you must be an administrator to flag "f" [the map]):


      amx_fog <1 / 0 - on / off> <RGB> <Densitatea> - Proneste and set fog.


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