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[Tutorial]How to create your own configuration


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Credits: Fllyyper

To begin using the original config. (You can find in CS folder / cstrike / config.cfg)


Bind'urile - Using an order of CS on a certain key.

Alias'urile - Running multiple commands just by pressing a key.



bind "tasta" "comanda"

Example # 1:

bind "DELETE" "+attack"

The bind above, I put that when you press the DELETE key to shoot a gun.


Example # 2:

bind "F1" "colt;vesthelm;buyammo1"

The bind above, we have the F1 key to buy the colt, vest, and ammunition for the gun.

Note: If you want to buy more items, put between them signal.


Example # 3:

bind "g" "Flash, Flash, hegren; sgren"

We moderation 2 flash'uri, a grenade and a smoke.


Example # 4:

bind "d2" "admin/amx_map dust2"

When we key in the console D2 will automatically change map.

Instead of admin / amx_map, we can make any order!




Alias'urile are useful when you want to execute commands at the same time 2.


Example # 1:

alias jump "+jump;+duck"
bind "SPACE" "jump"

Now, when you press SPACE key, jump and go on your knees.




More alias'uri and bind'uri together to form a script.


Sample Script # 1:


Bunny Hop:

alias +_bhop "alias _special bhop_;bhop_"
alias -_bhop "alias _special"
alias bhop_ "-+;wait;special"
alias -+ "bhop+"
alias bhop+ "+jump;alias -+ bhop-"
alias bhop- "-jump;alias -+ bhop+"
bind "space" "+_bhop"

All AKAs / Scripts / Binds be put in config.cfg



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