Gia sas paidia.Opws 8a exete ktlv apo proigo0mena post mo0 gia oso0s ta exo0n dei anoigw me mia omada filwn enan Gracia-Final server!! Exw silexh arketes plrofories apo to0s Members to0 Forum kai ot0s Developers po0 iparxo0n edw!!
Sas Euxariste polu gia thn Ipostirixh sas kai gia thn katavoish!
Omws iparxh kati akoma po0 dn mporesa na brw toso eukola!Einai gia to site to0 server mo0!Exo0n dimio0rgh8h arketa post omws kanenan dn leei analitika pos 8a mporesw na kanw ena template po0 exw katebash apo to0s Maxcheaters h apo opio dhpote allo forum kai na to epexergasto kai na to fortosw sto site mo0!!
8a i8ela lipon apo opio0s gnorizo0n kai exo0n xronw na mo0 apandiso0n gia to pws mporw na parw ena Web-Template kai na mporesw na to epexergastw gia mena kai na to fortosw sto Web-Site mo0!
8a parakalesw to0s Admin na mhn Locked auto to post gt dn nomizw na einai enantias sto0s kanones to0 Forum kai 8a i8ela an ghnete thn ipostirixh to0s se auto an ghnete!!
There is one bug. When the character is running and you try to use frenzy, the server does not send the character's stop packet to the client. You'll get a knockback loop.
(same thing when using summon pet without a crystal) or calling a friend outside the zone. We need a specialist who understands packages.
Don't worry, this is just the beginning.
In the next days I will publish a complete package
Server+Extender+Scripts+Client Interlude (C4 Cumulative)
You will be able to have your own (C4 Cumulative) server with just 1 Click.
The package will be already configured so you can use it in a matter of seconds.
Keep throwing Hate, more things I will share to the community.
bY Guytis
Keep in mind, do the people who post DownVote know who they are?
*the ones who want to keep ripping you off*.
they hate it when I post for free! 🙂
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Gia sas paidia.Opws 8a exete ktlv apo proigo0mena post mo0 gia oso0s ta exo0n dei anoigw me mia omada filwn enan Gracia-Final server!! Exw silexh arketes plrofories apo to0s Members to0 Forum kai ot0s Developers po0 iparxo0n edw!!
Sas Euxariste polu gia thn Ipostirixh sas kai gia thn katavoish!
Omws iparxh kati akoma po0 dn mporesa na brw toso eukola!Einai gia to site to0 server mo0!Exo0n dimio0rgh8h arketa post omws kanenan dn leei analitika pos 8a mporesw na kanw ena template po0 exw katebash apo to0s Maxcheaters h apo opio dhpote allo forum kai na to epexergasto kai na to fortosw sto site mo0!!
8a i8ela lipon apo opio0s gnorizo0n kai exo0n xronw na mo0 apandiso0n gia to pws mporw na parw ena Web-Template kai na mporesw na to epexergastw gia mena kai na to fortosw sto Web-Site mo0!
Epishs exw ako0si apo allo0s L2-Developers pos ghnete na anoixhs site me no-ip kai pos to anebazhs ston ipologhsth
po0 exhs anoixh ton server kai to sindeis me to Navicat so0 gia na dixnh ta stat to0 server so0 sto site!
Auto dn exw apethsh na katsi kapios na asxoli8h gt einai arketa diskolo apo oti fantazomai pandos opios 8elh na me help 8a ot0 eixa idieterh ektimhsh.
Edw einai ena web template po0 8a mo0 aresh na to xrisimopoihsw gia to site mo0 kai pisteuw pos einai arketa idiaitero! =====>
Gia oso0s 8elo0n na me Help ligo parapanw !
8a parakalesw to0s Admin na mhn Locked auto to post gt dn nomizw na einai enantias sto0s kanones to0 Forum kai 8a i8ela an ghnete thn ipostirixh to0s se auto an ghnete!!
Gia oso0s 8elo0n na mo0 miliso0n idieteros edw einai to E-Mail mo0 --->
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