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Rate My First Game


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for first try nice,but need more work to make perfect ;)

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any suggestions are welcome too,maybe i should remove Fire Thrower from our ninja ? should i remove all weapons?should i ass more enemies?should i remove some enemies?

Tell me : ))

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any suggestions are welcome too,maybe i should remove Fire Thrower from our ninja ? should i remove all weapons?should i ass more enemies?should i remove some enemies?

Tell me : ))

WWhat about adding alucard weapons?Actually you could make an Alucard mini game.It's gonna be funny.

Search for alucard on utube if you don't know what I'm talkin' about :D

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I'll give you a fairly substantive critique.


After playing the game once and dying, I became more frustrated than I was having fun. Why?


1. At least in the beginning, there are too many weapons. A player starting out has no idea what is supposed to be effective against the enemies at the start. If it takes several plays for a person to find out what to use, that player has probably lost interest already.


2. The controls are not entirely clear at the beginning. It would be better if there was some sort of intro screen which showed the keys. For example, I did not know ducking was possible until I tried a couple times.


3. The difficulty of the enemies does not follow a linear path. Right after the ninja, which is relatively easy to kill, you have to fight this demon which is much, much harder. They move way too fast, for one.


4. Cycling through weapons is confusing. You don't know which one is coming next until you've played it a lot.


5. As far as I know, there isn't any way to heal.


Here are some basic suggestions. I am not sure how difficult it may be to implement some of them.


1. Enabling aiming and shooting with the mouse would be a great idea. This is a lot more intuitive to most gamers today than keyboard controls.


2. Bind certain weapons to hotkeys, i.e. 1 is Pistol, 2 is Flamethrower, etc.


3. Have the character start out with only a basic weapon like the pistol in the beginning. Other weapons are found later in the game. Implementing an "ammo" system would be great too.


4. Make the enemies follow a linear path of difficulty. Enemies you fight at the start all need to be easy, and they get progressively more difficult as the game goes on. Make them move slower as well.


5. Add healing items at the beginning, or make the character stronger.


I'm not going to give your game a rating because in all fairness, I don't consider it complete. It's a work in progress and can be improved.

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WWhat about adding alucard weapons?Actually you could make an Alucard mini game.It's gonna be funny.

Search for alucard on utube if you don't know what I'm talkin' about :D

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