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Thanks to all for positive replies, I'm happy that You like it :)


@CяAzYzIoM™, can you upload them to RS or Megaupload?

RS sucks, I hate waitings time there ;p If You want I can send You on email, only say which one :)

I tried one of them today..but when i log on into game it seems muddy..why happens this?

That files are .DDS files - You did something wrong, dunno, did You import and crypt it correctly? If You just copy/paste that file into textures folder.. than no comments xD

On this forum You can find great tutorials how to do this, just search. More problems? - this is not section for that 8)


That files are .DDS files - You did something wrong, dunno, did You import and crypt it correctly? If You just copy/paste that file into textures folder.. than no comments xD

On this forum You can find great tutorials how to do this, just search. More problems? - this is not section for that 8)

When you try to save a DDS File with photoshop,appears a window:NVdia DDS format v8.23

Well...what i must select to be a photo clear?? DXT3 ARBG 8bpp | Explicit Alpha??

I don't know...when i import one loading screen with very good quality it seems muddy in game..now i try to fix it but i cant..the only thing i know that i crypt , decrypt correct b/c when i import the DDS File: L2Font-e-fixed.utx-Skins.loading02-e(Texture) by LauQ in game i see it very clear..so i think that i save something wrong with photoshop...could you help me?

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