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RUMOR: New utility ?


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rofl sauron is thinkning about making new bot,what would connect with client to server, and client gets closed, and OOG stays opened, bypassed all login protections. but thats still in alpha phrase, got no idea when it may come to public. ><

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  • 3 months later...

the next tool will be something like a program that opens computer at 6 am, opens l2 6:05, plays until 18:00, browses the internet for some porn until 19:00, l2 again until 02:00 shutdown computer.

if some1 make that program i`ll have no life -.-

i`ll have to much free time in some future :S

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i know exist some type of enchant bug... BECAUSE I ALREADY ENCHANTED 100+ wep AND NO ONE 3-19...

GG... 99,999% to me get a 17 now xD

and look, the chance to get a +17 wep is very low(lower than 1%) and i saw people with +25 weapon on l2gold(like the man who made a BOP +25 with sa...)

there's some thing who make the enchant succes better...

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i know exist some type of enchant bug... BECAUSE I ALREADY ENCHANTED 100+ wep AND NO ONE 3-19...

GG... 99,999% to me get a 17 now xD

and look, the chance to get a +17 wep is very low(lower than 1%) and i saw people with +25 weapon on l2gold(like the man who made a BOP +25 with sa...)

there's some thing who make the enchant succes better...


and... why do u post this in this topic? o.o


FTW : We need to wait

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guyz we will not have this tool, u know

russian share with russian only


nop dude.

l2phx was just for russians and now we have all version in english right?

we just need wait and someone will traduce it if it really exists! don't worry about that!

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  • 3 weeks later...

nop dude.

l2phx was just for russians and now we have all version in english right?

we just need wait and someone will traduce it if it really exists! don't worry about that!


english version allready appeared check forum

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