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[!Guide!] Pos na allaksete tin loading screen! (L2Font-e.utx)

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Gia xara se olous  ;D..


lipon protou arxisoume veveothite oti exete ta parakato ergaliakia.. :P


1: Photoshop CS3 (i kai pio palia ekdosi alla isws (pou amfivalw) na iparxoun psilodiafores)


2: Nvidia photoshop plugins.. Download edw -->> Click Me!


3: l2decrypt.exe


4: l2toolo


5: Unreal Tournament Package Tool


ta 3 teleftea Download Edw -->> Click Me Too!


(to photoshop vrite to se kana warez site i pliroste 1500 euro na to agorasete :P)


aa kai ksexasa.. prepei na exete kai mia eitmi ikona 1024x1024 (den tha katsw na sas mathw kai afto tora elews  :P)

gia to guide xrisimopisa aftin tin ikona.. (den tin eftiaksa egw) tiloadingrekaimenonc4.th.jpg



kai tora sto zoumi... (psarosoupa :P)


vriskoume to L2Font-e.utx ston systextures fakelo tou lineage ii ..


to kanoume copy.. kai paste stin epifania ergasias (i opou skata thelete eseis  ;D :P)


pairnoume tora to l2decrypt.exe kai to vazoume kai afto stin epifania ergasias..


meta pianoume to L2Font-e.utx kai to sernoume pano sto l2decrypt.exe.. perimenete ligo mexri na deite afto..



oxxx? kale emfanistike to L2Font-e.clear.utx ! (bravo bravo kala pas!  :P)


wrea.. tora anigoume to l2toolo.. (ti kinezika einai afta re p****h mou?!)


kanoume click se aftes tis telitses..


kai epilegoume to L2Font-e.clear.utx .... kai patame sto koubi "Line2-> UnrealED"

meta san pordi tha petaxtei afto..  :P


patame ok... (em ti allo ? ;D)


kai to apothikefste to ws.. L2Font-e.clear.unreal.utx ...


perimente merika defterolepta.. (lepta, wres, vdomades, mines, xronia klp  :P)


mexri na petaxti san ... (kserete eseis.. :P) .. afto... (an oxi tote ta skatosate pali palio noobades  :P)


patame ok fisika...  :P


kai klinoume to kinezoprograma..  :D



tora anigoume to unreal... (oxi to paixnidi reeee!)


file>>open kai epilegoume to L2Font-e.clear.unreal.utx ...


vriskoume to "loading02-e" deksi click... Extract as Image ... All Mipmaps as DDS.. (deite parakato)



to apothikeyete.. kai boom! Skins-Skins.loading02-e.DDS !  :D :o


klinoume to unreal...



pame tora sto photoshop! (yaaay!) (afou egatastisete to plugin)..


File ->> open (i drag and drop) kai epilegoume to Skins-Skins.loading02-e.DDS ..


tha sas vgei ena parathiraki.. epilekste opos stin ikona..



tadam!  :o



tora kanete to idio (file>> open) kai gia tin 1024x1024 ikona sas.. (oste na exete 2 parathira opos stin ikona..)



tin epilegete oli.. (ctrl+a) tin kanete copy (ctrl+c).. kai patate x stin ikona sas.. den tin xriazomaste allo.. (oust apodo ;D)


tora efoson exoume to parithiro tou Skins-Skins.loading02-e.DDS epilegmeno.. patame ctrl+v (paste) .. tadam !



prosoxi: riksete mia matia sta channels .. an den iparxei to alpha channel tote ta.. (SKATOSATE !!  :P :P)


tora pate file >> save as .. kai sto "Format:" epilekste "D3D/DDS (*.DDS)" ...kai onoma ws "new_loading02-e.dds"..


meta tha dite afto.. frontiste na epileksete to "DXT3 ................" format..



kante exit to photoshop.. (an sas rotisei na apothikeusete to Skins-Skins.loading02-e.DDS patiste oxi..)


tora pame pali sto l2toolo.. (e re pou**h mou pali to kinezoprograma?! elews pia! :P)


epilegoume gia dds (1) to new_loading02-e.dds pou molis ftiaksame sto photoshop kai gia utx (2) to L2Font-e.clear.utx (oxi to to L2Font-e.clear.unreal.utx)



tha vgei afto.. pateme prota sto "loading02-e" .. kai meta patame "set" ..



TADAM!! etimo to L2Font-e.clear.utx !! to mono pou menei tora einai na to piasete kai na to sirete pano sto l2decrypt.exe ... !



tha emfanistei to L2Font-e.crypt.utx !! aplos metanomaste to se L2Font-e.utx kai adikatastiste to me to original arxio sto systextures fakelo !  ;)  ;D ;D  ETOIMO!!!!





to tutorial exei graftei 100% apo emena.. opote min m pite gia copy/paste giati tha...  :P


elpizw na ginei aformi gia na graftoun kai alla tuts sto elliniko section... (kai na afisete pia ta c/p apo to ragezone.. ELEWS pia ! den onomazoume to site copy-from-ragezone.com na telionoume lew egw?? (x.X))


search with google...











Gia na exeis full version (efoson einai dokimastiko kai krataei mono 30 meres)

Step 1) Install cs3

Step 2) tre3e to photoshop cs3 kai klise otan 8a sou ziti8ei serial

Step 3) pigene sto fakelo pou apo8ikeftike cs3 (default: Program files) >adobe>adobe photoshop cs3>amt

Step 4) vres ton fakelo application.sif kai metonomase to se application.xx


etoimos :D :D


naste kala pedes :P kai na kserate posi kademia epese gia na to postarw.. mia blackout.. mia eklisa katalathos ton firefox.. e ama pia! eimoun etimos na ta paratisw.. lol


1on Se euxaristo man gia to oreo afto guide kai ta orea sxolia p mas xarises ><

2on exo ena provlima  "quote from takis===ta.. (SKATOSATE !!   )"

kai ine to eksis dn mou kani decrypt to L2Font-e.utx ti pezi les na to afisoume ligo kai tha dome afto kati me prasina grammata kai kati ksenoglosa :)

ti pezi(OeO?)

perimeno 1-10-100' tpt to ksana anigo to kanw drag'n'drop patao enter tpt pffffffff ti pezi arageS?

soz pou den vgazo kai pic gt kapios "P@p@r@s" katevazi kai kani 50'' na fortosi to forum :O:O




den exw idea :/ sto decrypt kolises ? .. ti na pw.. apla to kanis drag and drop panw sto l2decrypt.exe... ama sinexizei to prob pes m na anevasw(otan exw xrono) ena decrypted l2font-e.utx ...

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