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[Rate & Comment] MaCe's gift


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I like how you are making those cool backgrounds ... really nice style even if most of people from here say : " Bleah same style :| " . But i think that is better to have 1 good style than to have 5 or more styles that aren't really good.

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ax0ax00ax0 [gr] tou teriazei nc flower

[gr]pote kitaxtikes teleftea fora ston ka9refti?


Thanx Flower.

I love those colors.

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I'll upload some that i've done for my request topic.


@ Signature: I pretty like the effects that i've done. Everytime i somehow make random effects and setups and it goes kinda good. Can someone of the professional GFX Designers give me a proper rating and comment on the whole signature. Suggestions are welcome.

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Hmmmmm!The effects are really good and as I told ya on msn you are smudge really good.

Text is good and fits nicely but the whole sig looks like a mosaic or smth like that.Decrease the opacity of it...

And use more c4d's and ps tools/filters...

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