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hi,i just download/update aionEU,i try to connect to a server with an auto-updater,but language of aion is not english,is chinese or something like that.here's the screen shot


any help?


Well at updater u must use setting and there choose US or Europe (dont remember exactly)

Then Update and its dl 800 MB files to change language ... Soz i dont remember exactly ... if i remind smth i'll edit it ...

ATM try by urself and GL with it ;P


Right Click the Launcher and change where it says -cc:1 for -cc:2


start bin32aion.bin -ip: -port:2106 -cc:1 -noauthgg -lang:enu -noweb


start bin32aion.bin -ip: -port:2106 -cc:2 -noauthgg -lang:enu -noweb


CC codes: 1(NA Client), 2(EU Client), 7(RUS Client)


Infinite uses his own launcher and for support search their forums, theres a tons of topics like your problem. GL.


Hey, my friend is having this problem, where is he supposed to change those "cc"s?



he won't change anything, read my guide, I had the same problem ... only what he must do is

1) run NC launcher----> file-perferences- location North America, language English

2) apply

3) click aion and update it..


and it will patch his EU client to US client and he can log in to InfiniteAion.com


the korean language is not problem with his aion, but it's bug or what.. I had this problem too, if I started normal aion, or another private launcher, My client was English..

but if I started infinite launcher my client went korean and I couldn't connect..


I did that I said and it works, just try it ;P


np, GL in the game :)

(btw if asmo will be boring for you, I'm makin' an eylos legion - EpicGamers ..so ? :) )


I am not gonna quit my assasin 35 lvl man, was pain in the ass exping it.

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