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[Request topic] Signatures + Avatars - Open for now!


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Okay since the last request topic is inactive + locked i'll make new one but this time we'll have some rules.




1. Only 4 Requests at the time.

2. Only 1 request for a person allowed.


How to request:



Render: (if you prefer any)

Colors: (if you prefer any)


Thanks for your time! Enjoy!




Render:Something With Linkin Park.

Colors:whatever you like.




Text: LauQ - L2 Client modder (you can choose the positioning yourself)

Render: Something with L2, a bit serious render, not a fantasy isle sh1t or... ah yknow

Colors: A bit darkish Red would be nice, but could have more colors is ok




Text: SoNaR

Render : L2,

Colors : dark blue one!




Text: BlackSabath

Render : L2

Colors : dark




Text: 'Heineken - The only friend I get drunk with', 'Lain'

Render: Heineken beer (bottle or can, does not really matter)

Colors: dark + green (because green is specific color for Heineken)


Text : Officer Mike

Render: A police officer or an agent from the special police troops

Colors: Just make them to match (don't use PINK i hate it)





render:something with crysis or finalfantasy

colors:i don't know,try to make the best:P





SubText:Nuking Everything

Render:Something that fits with "Nuking Everything".

Colors:Everything that fits with the render.




one of the 2 last

Colours:black or really dark grey


Text: DarkSlayer

Render: a d.elf archer will be good with a halisha bow would be perfect !!! :D

Colors: darkslayer name dark elf fighter what u expect? DARKNESS!! :D


I wanna request one also.


Render:something about music


One cute and sexy anime (female) with my user name on it :)

-SubText= Try to Catch Me



Render:Something With Counter Strike.

Colors:whatever you like.


Text: SirDimco

Render: something "scary", something like dark and blood, whatever u like

Colors: black+red


Render: An Orc Fighter With Castle Owners Circlet If Possible (L2)

Colors: No Preference

Text: SirRoyal

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Text: LauQ - L2Client Developer

Render: Something with L2, a bit serious render, not a fantasy isle sh1t or... ah yknow

Colors: A bit darkish Red would be nice, but could have more colors is ok


Thanks in advance :)



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Can I request for one?


Text: 'Heineken - The only friend I get drunk with', 'Lain'

Render: Heineken beer (bottle or can, does not really matter)

Colors: dark + green (because green is specific color for Heineken)


I would be grateful!

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here is my(i already made a topic yesterday,but i'll request to lock it):



render:something with crysis or finalfantasy

colors:i don't know,try to make the best:P


and if u can a avatar,something similar:=)


i'll be rly grateful:)

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