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MaxCheaters 200x Retail like Server! ( GM Shop to A Grade )


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The 200x server idea is great. Devs seem like a capable bunch aswell. And thanks to Maxtor you'll get a nice community too.


About S grades, I'd make them with craft. and I'd add a few custom quests for recipes. As far as it goes for mats, I'd totally boost the drop/spoil rate of those in all 65+ zones. Keymats could be dropped by raids. L2 is meant to be a teamplay game, and this would make people cooperate. I'd balance it in a way that'd allow an organised, 10 people clan to make set+weapon+jewels within a week for all members.


I'd make the adena rate insanely low, like 1-5x and the prices for everything adjusted to it. This way adena would always be usefull and you could even get raid jewels for 1-2kkk.


Now for the balance, I'd leave it completely interlude-like, no nerfs to frenzy, ai etc. If it'd be left retail-like, It'd be balanced like it was on retail.


Enchant - well, I'd go for +16 max for weapons, and retail like chances. Also, +12 max for armor. Enchants shouldn't be easy to get, they should require quite a bit of work.


Noblesse & Hero - noblesse should be made by quest only. And the quest should be full. I'd make the reagent pouches drop a lot higher than on retail though. Heroes, should be choosen each month or each 2 weeks. Thats up to the community. Hero skills / weapons should be left retail-like, excluding the hero cancel stick if ALL buffs will be 1h+.


Donations - I'd say +12 weapons and +6 armors [s grade] should be available. Also, donations for noblesse, AIO buffers [if the npc wouldn't have COV etc.], clan levels + clan reputation, what definitely should be EXCLUDED are raid boss jewels. Especially enchanted ones. You could include things like BOGs aswell. It wouldn't be a bad idea to add dynasty armor ingame, with SAME STATS as S grade, obtainable only via donation +major raids like antharas and valakas.


Custom stuff - I'd say adding some kewl custom systems ain't a bad idea. For example, reward system for players. Someting like the pvp reward system on L2Relapse. I disagree with adding any kind of custom  item that adds stats though.



PS. the other option is a balanced, Dragon Network-like server with stackable subs. 2 from the same race, though it ain't my style and it requires a lot of work & custom changes to make it balanced.





I forgot about the chronicle, it should be Interlude imo. though a balanced, bugfree, and complete hellbound [or any higher throne, with everything working though] wouldn't be bad either.



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Since we have l2 off developers with good knowlege i wonder if would be better to make a good c4 off?! Is true what ppl say about balance on IL. On c4 classes are more balanced. Just need fix all buggs :P.

I really miss C4 times.


Me too.

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I will play of course!


I want buffer to has the most buffs like cov etc...


you shouldn't add dance/song one hour only 5 minutes!



also if it was x100 and had at gm shop until b grade or c grade would be perfect!

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l2j mxc server had spooknof for developer thats why it was a failure, but this time we have one of the best l2off developer with a lot of knowledge in custom extenders etc..


than tell me...why all interlude server fail doesnt matter if its l2j or off or whatever :)

and by the way i heard that many times about a lot of ppl "he have good knowledge etc etc" the fact is every developer here is newbie so guess what...buy an extender put it under a live server and done thats need good knowledge?also correct me if im wrong but what your "professional" developers will do when lets say full buff tyrant bow bison + zealot and 1 shot 1 char? :)

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Well, ellinaras, you are custom kinda boy. We'v dont accept your vote in that topic.

So no1 need to tell NO for the server... I Say i will play but IF HAVE THAT WILL BE BETER FOR ME (ONLY).

But I will try to play your server with out (S)Grade and other's ...


1.Q--->What will have the server ??? I mean the (S)Grade how we can take it ???

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No custom items.

Adena rate same as XP/SP rates as long as GMShop prices are set to retail DB ones.

Avoid SSD Drives as they are sensitive with frequent reads/writes. MSSQL on its own hard drive is enough.


Keep the server as much as old-school as possible. Maybe x200 rates are too high, x100 will be perfect and will give the right economy balance.



1. I see a terrible mistake: You are going by the community and not by what you love. When I opened my first low rate was the time when all low rates was dead and no one was for a low rate but I loved it. And it agve results.

2. Interlude is unbalanced a lot. To balance it you need great game knowledge which I doubt anyone has on earth apart NC$oft developers and game designers. Which them too had to reach Gracia Part 2 so they can balance it (after 2 years!)...

3. I would suggest Gracia Final or Gracia Epilogue. Doesn't matter if its L2J* or L2Off. The only thing that matters is Admins who care about it.

4. If you are opening it as Interlude, open it completely old-school... Retail bufftimes, no mana potion shit and GMShop up to B grade. No enchant scrolls @ GMShop. Someone has to kill bosses for A grade and Enchant scrolls. More bosses = more PvP = more fan. Team farming is fun, not farming. If you add a NPC Buffer, add one with same buffs as the CH buffs.

5. I have seen many server who failed in the past 5 years, while I was playing both on retail and private servers. Do just what you love to, all the rest technical shit are for the impression of some random noob players. You don't need random noob players. You need players who will give up for some random real life reason and return after 1 year...! Those players will donate (even for no rewards at all) and those will vote daily and assist new players. The rest will just PK newbies.

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4. If you are opening it as Interlude, open it completely old-school... Retail bufftimes, no mana potion shit and GMShop up to B grade. No enchant scrolls @ GMShop. Someone has to kill bosses for A grade and Enchant scrolls. More bosses = more PvP = more fan. Team farming is fun, not farming. If you add a NPC Buffer, add one with same buffs as the CH buffs.

+1 on that :D

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as some1 smart say in, almost 99% servers IL is fail, you have totally right, why? They dont have any good machine, they are NOT unique, They are NOT security with depmax, and with Client Protection.

We're still think about GM shop, and buff time,

Till Manton wont be available, then i cannot say you , how all will looks. For sure we start soon,

GM shop up to A Grade, there also will be npc with Q Marks for Class's.

I'v seen here an question; "How we get S Grade stuff" answer is, there will be custom npc with your S grade staff, ofc you have to farm for it (no any special tokens or other custom kinda) just Iron ores etc.

Really, i dunno how it will looks, we also want to add Combat Haste Potion (DN like) it would add you some speed (10-15) and atk speed (60-90), we had also potion for Magic guys, then it wont be any unbalance thing.



See you soon in game .


btw. sorry for bad inglish :P

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