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[Help]npc to hit only noblesse chars



how can you make a npc to hit only noblesse chars


for (L2Npc monster : _monsters)


((L2Attackable) monster) addDamageHate(X,9000,9000);

monster getAI() setIntention(CtrlIntention AI_INTENTION_ATTACK,X, null);




I want X to be the noblesse char



Thank you for any help.

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sth like this?

    public void addDamageHate(L2Character attacker, int damage, int aggro, boolean noblChar)


    public boolean noblChar(L2PcInstance activeChar)


        return activeChar.isNoble();



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for (L2Npc monster : _monsters)


      ((L2Attackable) monster) addDamageHate(_isNoble,9000,9000);

      monster getAI() setIntention(CtrlIntention AI_INTENTION_ATTACK,_isNoble, null);



maybe that way?

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