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1) The server needs to have a gm shop that sells weapons/armors/potions or SS.


2) You need like 2kkk the most adena u have the better!


3) Double click on the SS or on the potions so the little screen comes up that says how many u want to buy


4) Then u need to double click on the Gm shop again and go to the weapons/armors wich ever you want to enchant


5) Click on the weapon/armor ONE!! time and then on the little window that you have open that says how many u want to buy u buy

as many weapons as u can like 10...


6) The weapon that you bought shold of come up as one weapon even thugh u pressed to buy 10


7) then keep on enchanting it and if it breaks u will get the crystals but the weapon will not disapear!



                                                Have fun enchanting!  ;D



Have fixed in most servers...........



I was doing this bug before 1-2 years server :Airials  :P


on step 5 u need to go and buy a weapon but press on it one time only then with the window that u opend for the Ss or the potions press as many weapons u want to buy


It is a a good bug.. It is very clever.....But it had be fixed..... :'(



SweetyKiller : You are going to gm shop buy some arrows.... and then will appear the buy window

how many u want to buy.......Dont close this window...Just click again to gm shop and go to select the item

that u want to enchant weapon , armor ....  Click one time the item that u want to enchant and then

go to window of arrows and write a number  ..10 for example...And click ok... Then u will take 10 weapons or armors.  ;D  ;D  ;D               no arrows.........


This is the bug.... But is not working now....  :-\

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