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[Share]Custom PvP Related Hero Status + Announce including

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omg dude.. u just add in increasePvpKills() the call method: parsePvPCustomHero().

And its instantly after pvp doooh... besides that u dont need that check into increasePvpKills() if u can use it in parsePvPCustomHero(), it keeps the code clean... lolz

And also isHero is not a null check wtf ?:D that !ishero has to return false so that a normal hero dosent get parsed for nothing... and also its there if the player is already hero by pvp.. to skip the parsing method that way its more efficient.. dooh >.>


dont try to act that smart...shit act number1 congratz

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Code for epilogue


		// Send a Server->Client UserInfo packet to attacker with its Karma and PK Counter
		sendPacket(new UserInfo(this));
		sendPacket(new ExBrExtraUserInfo(this));

+	//Custom Hero
+	public void parsePvPCustomHero()
+       {
+        if (!isHero() && getPvpKills() >= 5000)
+        {
+           //announce & message ONLY when they reach 5000 pvp.
+           sendMessage("You are now a server hero for beign so great fighter!");
+           setHero(true);
+        }
+	}	





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