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[Share] L2Storm Gracia Final server

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L2Storm is new contribution of Gracia Final server based on l2java code.





               Kratei's Cube



                Premium Account

               Subclass skills

               RaidBosses Ai

               Fix some skills and stats

               and much more.


Now I try fix hellbound island area and Seed of Infinity Gracia area . Soon I will add a new update.


Just try and review




Sorry for my english.

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You could say that but my project based of l2emu and l2official. I've added something new and I will try to update it and improve. Sory for my english I use google translator.

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You could say that but my project based of l2emu and l2official. I've added something new and I will try to update it and improve. Sory for my english I use google translator.

Emu Close h Think.

l2jofficial ?


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l2emu holding up well and make good progress in their work.

Form me is good contribution and I start my own based on l2emu



L2EmuProject links

SVN: http://svn.l2emu.info/svn/L2Emu/

FishEye: http://trac.l2emu.info:8060/changelog/L2Emu/

Ohloh: https://www.ohloh.net/p/L2Emu-Ohloh/

Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L2EmuProject/


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Look nice.

ps:here are some errors.

15 Dec 11:29:18: [iNFO] L2Properties: Missing property for key - GludioControlTo
15 Dec 11:29:18: [iNFO] L2Properties: Missing property for key - GludioArtefact2

15 Dec 11:29:18: [iNFO] L2Properties: Missing property for key - DionControlTowe
15 Dec 11:29:18: [iNFO] L2Properties: Missing property for key - DionArtefact2
15 Dec 11:29:18: [iNFO] L2Properties: Missing property for key - GiranControlTow
15 Dec 11:29:18: [iNFO] L2Properties: Missing property for key - GiranArtefact2
15 Dec 11:29:18: [iNFO] L2Properties: Missing property for key - OrenControlTowe
15 Dec 11:29:18: [iNFO] L2Properties: Missing property for key - OrenArtefact2
15 Dec 11:29:18: [iNFO] L2Properties: Missing property for key - AdenControlTowe
15 Dec 11:29:18: [iNFO] L2Properties: Missing property for key - AdenArtefact2
15 Dec 11:29:18: [iNFO] L2Properties: Missing property for key - InnadrilControl
15 Dec 11:29:18: [iNFO] L2Properties: Missing property for key - InnadrilArtefac
15 Dec 11:29:18: [iNFO] L2Properties: Missing property for key - GoddardControlT
15 Dec 11:29:18: [iNFO] L2Properties: Missing property for key - GoddardArtefact
15 Dec 11:29:18: [iNFO] L2Properties: Missing property for key - RuneControlTowe
15 Dec 11:29:18: [iNFO] L2Properties: Missing property for key - RuneArtefact2
15 Dec 11:29:18: [iNFO] L2Properties: Missing property for key - SchuttgartContr
15 Dec 11:29:18: [iNFO] L2Properties: Missing property for key - SchuttgartArtef

What is this?


15 Dec 11:24:08: [WARNING] CustomSpawnTable: Data missing in NPC table for ID: 5
15 Dec 11:24:08: [WARNING] CustomSpawnTable: Data missing in NPC table for ID: 5
15 Dec 11:24:08: [WARNING] CustomSpawnTable: Data missing in NPC table for ID: 5
15 Dec 11:24:08: [WARNING] CustomSpawnTable: Data missing in NPC table for ID: 5
15 Dec 11:24:08: [WARNING] CustomSpawnTable: Data missing in NPC table for ID: 5
15 Dec 11:24:08: [iNFO] CustomSpawnTable: Loaded: 38 Npc Spawn Location(s).
15 Dec 11:24:08: [iNFO] Loaded: 21 fortress
15 Dec 11:24:08: [iNFO] Initializing FortSiegeManager
15 Dec 11:24:08: [iNFO] L2Properties: Missing property for key - ShantyCommander
15 Dec 11:24:08: [iNFO] L2Properties: Missing property for key - HiveCommander4
15 Dec 11:24:08: [iNFO] L2Properties: Missing property for key - IvoryCommander4

15 Dec 11:24:08: [iNFO] L2Properties: Missing property for key - NarsellCommande
15 Dec 11:24:08: [iNFO] L2Properties: Missing property for key - WhiteSandsComma
15 Dec 11:24:08: [iNFO] L2Properties: Missing property for key - ArchaicCommande
15 Dec 11:24:08: [iNFO] L2Properties: Missing property for key - TanorCommander4

15 Dec 11:24:08: [iNFO] L2Properties: Missing property for key - DragonspineComm
15 Dec 11:24:08: [iNFO] L2Properties: Missing property for key - AaruCommander4
15 Dec 11:24:08: [iNFO] L2Properties: Missing property for key - DemonCommander4

15 Dec 11:24:08: [iNFO] L2Properties: Missing property for key - MonasticCommand

15 Dec 11:24:32: [WARNING] Failed loading: (C:\Users\MadBoy\Desktop\L2Storm\Game
\data\scripts\custom\Hude\Hude.java) @ scripts.cfg:640 - Reason: doesnt exists o
r is not a file.
1. WARNING in \InnerOasis.java (at line 23)
        public class InnerOasis extends Quest
The type InnerOasis collides with a package

15 Dec 11:26:14: [iNFO] Auto TvT: Please wait 5 seconds...
15 Dec 11:26:19: [iNFO] Starting up a New TvT Event!
15 Dec 11:26:19: [iNFO] Matchs Are Restarted At Every: 120 Minutes.
15 Dec 11:26:19: [sEVERE] TvT Engine[spawnEventNpc(exception:
        at com.l2s.gameserver.model.L2Spawn.getNpcid(L2Spawn.java:223)
        at com.l2s.gameserver.datatables.SpawnTable.addNewSpawn(SpawnTable.java:
        at com.l2s.gameserver.model.entity.events.TvT.spawnEventNpc(TvT.java:420
        at com.l2s.gameserver.model.entity.events.TvT.startAutoJoin(TvT.java:344
        at com.l2s.gameserver.model.entity.events.TvT.autoEvent(TvT.java:638)
        at com.l2s.gameserver.gui.Gui$21$1.run(Gui.java:364)
        at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.
access$301(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.
run(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)



L2Storm\Game\data\multisell 10007/10008 have a problem.

There are missing Tvt ctf npc...


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