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[Share] Special SOE for KvN


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case 7554:

_activeChar.teleToLocation(-84318, 244579, -3730, true); // Talking

// Island

// quest

// scroll



And replace with :


case 7554:

if (_activeChar.isNoob())


_activeChar.teleToLocation(-83995, 243373, -3755, true); // Noobs Base


if (_activeChar.isKoof())


_activeChar.teleToLocation(45775, 49236, -3086, true); // Koofs Base




Done ! :P

Now your Special soe its ready ;) !


Credits :

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well i dont think there is a reason to do this .

i mean whats the point of replacing the talkin island soe..

u could just create a new case..

whatever. thanx for sharing

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