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Issue with the database installer.



Well here it is... I tried to launch a server using the guide : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=50068.0


I followed it step by step and when it come to the part of the database installer i dont get what i am supposed to get as the guide mentions. this is what i get : databasep.th.png.


I am sure i followed i right and carefully. Any suggestions?


Thank u.

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well the guide on some parts is not the same as what appear..anyway go on,the only custom table that l2j has at the start is a custom wedding mode,i installed it but i don't know what it is..i think that is a modification on "price" needed for marry..anyway u can also not install it,is not needed at all.If u have more problems feel free to post here or get my msn..if u have it,i can send u my msn via pm

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