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[Poll] To do, or not to do!?

Do you want us to remove the Custom Stuff from L2Emerland aka L2Justice?  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want us to remove the Custom Stuff from L2Emerland aka L2Justice?

    • Yes, Remove them, they suck!
    • NO! Please, let them as they are.

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Hello Everybody.

Well, I am making this Poll in order to make you a serious question, which needs to be answered from normal users and players.

Since we have been requested too many times to remove the Custom Stuff from L2Justice aka L2Emerland (Armors, Weapons, etc.).

We are thinking seriously to replace them with the normal S grade stuff, but still, we are not sure.

There are too many players with Custom Equipment, so this is a very serious decision which needs maturity and much thinking.


So, the question is:

Do you want us to remove the Custom Stuff from L2Emerland aka L2Justice, and replace them with normal S grade items?


You can vote and post your opinion, or just vote.

The option "I don't care" is NOT allowed here.

If you wanna vote, you will either vote for yer or no.


Best Regards,

L2Emerland Staff.


P.S.: Poll gets locked tomorrow, and once we announce you the result, the topic will close for obvious reasons.

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also i think that a server dont need customs and its better as it is i think ppl enjoy the game without customs....

i havent play this server but like i said its better without customs.

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Actually I never played this server nor I'll play.I've stopped L2 and I am not willing to start again...

Now my opinion will help you I guess.

The custom weapons should be kept if:

1)Some players already have them.They will feel jurks if you remove 'em And probably will leave your server!

2)Are balanced


Since the 2 above are as I said then don't remove 'em!

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agree.if u will ill join the server


This is the reaction that we receive from most people..

But seriously guys.

If we remove customs, you will really join?

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EDIT: We removed customs for now.

Although only 1/4 of the people that were on yesterday, are on now.


We will wait to see if more people come within the next 2 days.

If nothing happens, then we will think seriously about what we'll do.

One good idea would be to rollback, or run the script to replace the s grades with the customs..


No one knows..


Topic Locked, as I promised.

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