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Aion Nextgen Movie

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The next generation of Aion is close. Awsome graphic enchantments, guild houses, more exciting wars with golems, SWIMMING, ships, winter/summer effects (snow!!!), living planet, improved and new guild functions, pet system and taming striders/mounts, and many many many more will come in the future. Asians called it Aion 3.0


So here is the movie, i recommend you to watch it in FULL SCREEN AND IN HD !!!



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guys,this is not a patch..is what NcSoft wants and is going to create on the future for Aion..this work will require about 2 years i think and will be out maybe in 2011?trust me..we'll have to wait:/

source: http://www.mmorpg.com/newsroom.cfm/read/15636/Vision-Trailer-Not-Footage-of-PatchExpansion.html

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