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Mid Rate Info (l2off):




General Informations:

- Opened in 1 October 2009.

- Lineage ][ Chaotic throne. (Interlude)

- Rates: 50x XP, 250x Adena, 5x Party XP.


- Shops in Giran / OfflineShop (/vendor /buy)

- There is no EXP penality for leveling lowbies. ( the 20 level penality)

- Global Gatekeeper / Class Master.

- NPC Buffer/Dancer. (in Cities and Clan Halls)

- Armors [ D ], [C  ], [ B ] are sold on shops. [ A ] and [ S ] need Ancient Adena to unseal.

- All weapons are sold on shops for Adena except [ S ]  grade which need craft.

- For add SA you need of Ancient Adena. (keep enchanted)

- [ S ] grade weapon part spoil in Imperial Tomb.

- Ancient Adena droping in Abandoned Coal Mines and Imperial Tomb.

- Cursed Weapons Zariche and Akamanah.

- Clan System. (Lvl 6, 7, 8 + Skills)

- Clan Penal: 5 min

- Augmentation / Fusion skills.

- Star of Destiny and Moonstone Shard on the Misc Shop.

- Barakiel respawn 2-4 hours.

- Safe respawn and Anti-Bishop respawn.

- No Bots, no exploits. (depmax security)


- SERVER TIME: (GMT) Greenwich - Lisbon, London








Buffs Informations:

- 24 buffs slots and Debuffs slots.

- Buffs in party only to avoid grief buffing.

- 3 hours for buffs/prophecies/dances/songs.

- 30 mins for COV & MAGNUS.

- Cat & Unicorn buffs have the normal time.


Olympiad and Sieges Informations:

- Olympiad period is of two weeks (new heroes every two weeks) from 20:00 ~ 00:00.

- Castle Siege every week. (starts on 17 and 18/10)


Farming Zones Informations:

- Abandoned Coal Mines

Spoil: All Life stones

Drops: 10k~27k Ancient Adena


- Imperial Tomb

Spoil: [ S ] grade weapon parts

Drops: 45k~75k Ancient Adena, [ S ] grade weapons.


Raid Boss Informations: (see all locations)

- with retail drops and custom respaw:

Anakim -> retail drops + 5kk Ancient Adena. Custom respawn in Imperial Tomb.

Lilith -> retail drops + 5kk Ancient Adena. Custom respawn in ACM.


- with drops and custom respawn: (respawn time 4-6 hours)

Uruka -> Adena, [ S ] grade weapon parts, blessed enchants, book of giants.

Ocean Flame Ashakiel -> Adena, [ S ] grade weapon parts, blessed enchants, book of giants.


- with drops and respawn retail + 4kk Ancient Adena:

Ember / Ketra Chief Brakki / Ketra Commander Tayr / Varka Chief Horuth

Varka Commnder Mos / Varka Hero Shadith / Vanor Chief Kandra


Hight Rate Infos:




amos autamente with a staff position to meet any kind. of thing that will occur.

2) We oppose wipe.

3) We are against donors invulnerable in-game.

4) Server Buffered Fighter / Mage automatic.

5) Name colored relo to pvp / pk added.

6) Ant any hacker. (Note: At esto gm's banned weapons to enchant players, otherwise ban takes both).

8) Special areas of drop, (Wins area sepulchers etc!)

9) Staying online you can change every hour for unique items.

10) Sieges, TvT'S GVE's and CTF'S (NOTE: TvT'S OF 1 IN 1 HOUR)

11) Glows different.

12) Gm Shop, GK, Buffer, in all cities, npc's custons in Giran.

13) Quests OK!

14) Become Hero PvP doing 200's.

15) Super commands. Info. Deposit. Withdaw. Away. Back etc!

16) Items Easy to get, to catch the upando and quickly.

17) Several total / Areas boss / Baium / Antharas / Valakas / Queen / Gordon.

18) In PvP and PK 24Hrs.

19) Server hosted in DC, aimed Lag zero every day.

20) Donation items and feasible and inexpensive.


  • 2 weeks later...

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