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hellbound [Hellbound L2OFF] L2Division


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The server will start live on Saturday, 5 December 2009 at 16:00 GMT +2. Friday night we will close the server and we will wipe it. (Accounts won't be deleted, only characters IG). You will need to download again our patch from our main site in order to login!




Exp: x30

SP: x7

Adena: x25

Drops: x7

Spoil: x5

Quests: x5


Special Features:

- Offline Shops

- NPC Buffers (will be aviable on the first week only and they will have the basic buffs. -at lowest level-)

- GM Shops: Armors/Weapons up to B Grade. Misc Shop for general things....

- Global Gatekeeper: Only town -> town.

- All A/S Grade items will be obtanable through farming/crafting.

- Buffs(1st,2nd) last 30 minutes, dances/songs last 2 minutes and 3rd class buffs as retail.

- Mana potions which give 500MP +/- in 15 seconds time.



Official Features:

- Fully support of Hellbound Client.

- Maximum level for main class is 85, for subclass is 80.

- Transformations fully working.

- Cursed weapon system (Zariche and Akamanah).

- Weapon augmentation

- Olympiad System

- Shadow weapons

- Shirts, agathions, talismans fully working.

- Herb System

- Kamael Race fully working

- Clan System fully working with all new features

- All new territories (Rune and Schuttgart territories/ Primeval Isle/ Isle of Souls, Isle of Prayer, Hellbound)

- New skill enchantment features

- Death penalty system

- Armor set bonuses

- Elemental Attribute System

- Fishing System (Night Fishing / Fishing Event)

- All new skills/items/maps





- IG/OOG Walker.

- phx/hlapex.

- Packet Sender/Sniffers.

- L2 Client Manager System (For checking how much windows you have opened).


Site: www.l2division.com

Patch: http://www.l2division.com/l2division_beta_patch.rar

Register: http://www.l2division.com/register.php?lang=English

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1st Server isn't mine.

2nd I don't think that there will be donation for enchants at all. Look what they say in the site:

Our donations won't be unbalanced, they will excist only for cover the hosting fees of our servers and the future upgrades!

3rd Yes, I think that mana pots wasn't so good idea.

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Very good rates! If it was interlude client this server would rox more!  Maybe i try it!


why? :x

i think we are bored of interlude, we need mid rats with nice geodata of hellbound or gracia, wich doesnt exist yet : D

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  • 3 weeks later...

how many players this server has on?


LoL idiot what the point to refresh old topic's ??

1st LOOK DATE ... anyway for that info u can PM him  ...

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You can simply enter the site and search for infos <.<

First week passed!


I am happy to announce that we are here for one week! I hope that everyone is happy with that.


Just i want to mention some points of this week:

1st) DDOS from some American IPs. DDos Stopped and a new custom fuction for auto-ddos stoping is under development.

2nd) Quest rate problems. We have raise correct the rates from the quest rates. (reward rate too!). You can see on forums which quests get affected.

3rd) Drop/spoil quanity rate problems. We have raise the drop/spoil quanity rates by x3/x2.

4th) NPC Buffers. We decided to keep the npc buffers with the currect working plan, permanent. Buffers will be usable up to 52 level.

5th) Seven Signs Quest. The first event period has end and we have enter into seal period. Everything seems to be fine atm.

6th) The first siege has been scheduled for the 2009/12/19 20:00 GMT +2. (BE ALL THERE!)

7th) We hit a very good ammount of online players! (750+ Online).

And @Br(ga)zoza server isn't mine omg.

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7th) We hit a very good ammount of online players! (750+ Online).


This is a really nice server , really good work and good ideas , but 750 players ? nope . That is completely untrue , probably cause everyone has AT least 2 acc log.


I was at giran siege , it was awful , 1 ally with 2 clan and total 4 full parties versus 1 clan with 3 full parties.


i mean at giran siege and there was 7x9 = 63 people .


anyway i hope more people will encourage to join .


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