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Hi i read a lor of post of maxblast, firs my servers y a C1 with C2 textures, to play i need to download a pach from the web, it renamed engine,nwindows,etc, for mi sorprice the files that be replaced are of the same but if i used a bakuk of orginal C1 and change ini it dont run.




Y download the 1.5 and 1.6 maxblast in game y can see the Help menu but when i tried to do something nothing happend? (it fixed), maybe the rason for example in the Sofia exploid (get 300adenas), in mi server call Shopya, maybe ir the razon..?




I read all post of




Edit Help.htm from Memory.




i can do it but where i put this code? in help file? how to put? ineed to uses a compiler or what?




Thank a lot i am new in the community and to in L2.




For last SORRY FOR MI REALLY BAD ENGLISH..if dont understand, i tried to explain. :D




Server: Gravedad zero (www.gravedad-zero.tx)


If u need i can atach ini,endine, nwindows or somthing..!




Thank for HElp!


From maxtor's instruction :


* Remember this help-hack is made for default Server Files. Most of them are fixed by now!




You should all stop with this help exploit ! It will just give you a nice cola or nvidia ban object ! This is OLD and admins are not stupid !




/moved to help

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