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interlude [Interlude L2J] Age OF Shadows


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delete this files: l2 raha.ini , l2rahat.ini , l2-cw.ni , l2-haaaaaaaaaa.ini , l2rahaaa.ini :P


lool u used my system? hahahahaha

is this another copy of a lame server called l2terror?


anyway.. i think ur server name is spelled Age of Shadows... i don't know if shodown is actualy a word xD

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Heroes 160?

Noblesse 5?


LoginServer: Online GameServer: Online PlayerOnline: 160 Heroes: 22 Noblesse: 5 hehehehe 22 heroes 5 nobl you are funny!

i dunno what is going on with website....login and gameserver are rly online but other values are completely wrong..so just login guys,i am going to speak to admin soon
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Server is ON all the time but for me it totally sux cause of


- Frenzy and Zealot 9h (As i heard,Was too lazy to test them)...

- +100 Safe and Max - Its ok, but without fast enchanter or something?

- Dualboxing @ oly (Well this is not the real reason of "Server Sucking xD" cause i saw a Hero but all the day there are 0 or 1 player online [including me :P])

- Rusty English in NPC ( " Wepon " etc)


Anyway GL with the server!


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