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Hi all !

I want start play CS ^^ and i have 1 quastion , my friend say long time ago what hi play with AUTO-HeadShot , Unlimited HP , All weapon its real ? the forum have something like this ?

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Hi all !

I want start play CS ^^ and i have 1 quastion , my friend say long time ago what hi play with AUTO-HeadShot , Unlimited HP , All weapon its real ? the forum have something like this ?


Well...you have 1k u can search around the forum..u can find really usefull..things...In cs threads..

Since ur a cs newcomer I advise u to learn playing without cheats first...learn the basics..I mean built a technik so u can kill ur opponents become a nice player...get to know the game...and then use the cheats..

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You can do this by using aimbots(which I don't recommend.).


About the Unlimited HP+All weapons...he is probably playing with bots on localhost.

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