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How about trying to make the size smaller?

I have realised that you make TOO BIG SIGs and you can't fill them with something..


Bad text as always :/


Search for any good fonts like Sell Your Soul, or Birth of a Hero..


Why do you have to put this special text effect all the time?


Bad Render placing..

And BG (Which is not good), doesn't match with the render's colours..


Mate, please, read any tutorials, don't try to find YOUR style.. It is very early..

Trust me, and you won't fail :)

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The Render is really bad because you dont know how to put your render..that dont matter

The Text is Bad

The Bg Is Nice

The Animation so so,if you are not pro and you are a begginer in ps,my opinion is to dont make animations,etc sometimes is better simple ;)

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The Render is really bad because you dont know how to put your render..that dont matter

The Text is Bad

The Bg Is Nice

The Animation so so,if you are not pro and you are a begginer in ps,my opinion is to dont make animations,etc sometimes is better simple ;)


well the render look bad placed bcz the it's too big the whole signature :/

about the text i know the font sux :P

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