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BiteFight Online game...


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Clicking that link u help me on bitefight am new in that game....lvl 2 :P wen any know how to play bitefight then post plz....And by Clicking The Link http://s8.bitefight.gr/c.php?uid=43824


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Δαγκώθηκες από τον DraculaGR και έχασες 4 λίτρα αίμα.

Γίνε και συ βρυκόλακας και εγγράψου εδώ


Thanks....come on boys all click on the link

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I was playing before some years. I have a character level 63. His name is -LoL- . I have paid real money and he have nice armor and weapon. It's on server 3. I can give you the account if you want, but don't change the password.

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