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The most failed server ever!


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l2Core frist In list,Donate with Super Haste lvl4  omfg why they dont give better Right For GM?

u see the Donates Run with 800 speed, and u have Received 53491 Dam NIce Server  >.> i Never Play on this server but i see some ppl from my Net Play there <.< Just a Noobaka Server.

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l2integral easy to hack etc i was able to get bots working on it its l2j when it says its l2off

etc bad computer enough to run around 1k ppl though but what it reall is is like 300 ppl evyerone else made 10 chars

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l2grind omg the most bugged server i have ever played, admins dont pay attention to their english players since its lituanian server, all in one, one big LoL for the server,



belive me i have never seen more bugged server than it, and it has over 450 online... OmG what with people these days....

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L2 CORE (interlude and gracia) the old bnb was nice.

L2 Atlantis gm change status for donators and many bugs.

L2 DeathWhisper some bugs but many help from gms.

L2 INC faield for me only,many ^_^ing morons kiss GM ass for help and for items

2 gms join on OverKill clan and and help them when have siege etc,free items too.


i think l2java is a big fail :/

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