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[GR]Μυστήρια και Ανεξιχνίαστα Γεγονότα,Τα Πάντα όλα θα πούμε!


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Αν αυτό είναι περίληψη...

Με λίγα λόγια επειδή βρμ να διαβάζω; :P


Πως σχετίζεται όμως αυτό με το ότι ο "χρονομετρητής" (που αμφιβάλω αν έγινε έτσι, διότι ακούγεται...) σταμάτησε;

Ενδιαφέρον ακούγεται, γιατί όμως άρχισαν και όλο αυτό το πείραμα;


akrivos den exo katalavei kai ego pos leitourgouse... pantos metrage kathe xroniko diastima pou ipirkse.. den kseroume giati kollise... afto einai pou trelane tous epistimones...

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kai pos xeroume oti dn to ekanan epitides gia na nomizoume emis mlkies? mpourdes einai sas to lew ego o idios kai gia to 2012 bgike epistimonas stin tileorasi kai eipe oute mia sto ekatomirio na eu8igramistoun i planites kai na er8oun se sigrousi ! kanis dn xeri tpt an i selini exi nero i botana i dn xerw ti skata alla na exi auto to xeri mono i idia i selini ego dn pistebo oute nasa oute tpt mpori na eriksan nero auti epitides kai na lene ta dika tous gia na fobisoun to kosmo!

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kai pos xeroume oti dn to ekanan epitides gia na nomizoume emis mlkies? mpourdes einai sas to lew ego o idios kai gia to 2012 bgike epistimonas stin tileorasi kai eipe oute mia sto ekatomirio na eu8igramistoun i planites kai na er8oun se sigrousi ! kanis dn xeri tpt an i selini exi nero i botana i dn xerw ti skata alla na exi auto to xeri mono i idia i selini ego dn pistebo oute nasa oute tpt mpori na eriksan nero auti epitides kai na lene ta dika tous gia na fobisoun to kosmo!

dn to stirizis poy8ena...

oi planites 8a ey8igramistoyn ayto einai gegonos...

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loipon egw pisteuw pos i area51 d exei tpt spoudeo apla i amerikanoi to kratane ekei , kai sigura ta simantika egrafa den ta exoun ekei , ta exoun sigoura sto pentagono stin vivlio8iki tou vaticanou kai den 3erw k egw pou..Egw 8a rwtisw kapia apla pragmata..



Pos xtistike i piramida tou xeopa?Giati xtistike ekei?TO kalokeri o ilios peutei stin panw pleura ton ximona stn katw to f8inoporo stn de3ia tin ani3i sta aristera..


O Par8enonas oi 4 akres tou siklinoun ELAXISTA pros ta mesa , pragma pou simenei oti den ine paraliles kai ama tis proektinume kapou 8a eno8oun..E an kanume tis pra3eis k vgaloume ton ogo tis 8eoritikis piramidas p vgenei apo tis 4 pleures vgenei akrivos to MISO tis piramidas tou xeopa..


Ta elinika 8riskeutika naoi ktl , apexoun OLA meta3y tous sigekrimeni apostasi , (xlmetro,metron,ekatoston,xilioston)px delfoi , knwsso ktl ktl



PWS TA KANAN OLA AUTA OI ARXAIOI?O 8eos RA tis egipto mipos itan kapio alo on?

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dn to stirizis poy8ena...

oi planites 8a ey8igramistoyn ayto einai gegonos...

an gini auto pou les ontos 8a pe8anoume oli alla sas to lew eida sti tileorasi pou to legane oles einai mpourdes kanis dn xeri pote 8a pe8anoume kanis dn xeri tpt oli leme psemata opos kai i nasa kai oli auti kai o ka8e enas tous pistebi epidi exi ena titlo mlkies ola lew oti einai...


edit: kai pos xeroume ti exoun ftiaksi mpori na exoun bali kati sti selini gia na bgazi nero ... xero go auta pou lene einai epistimoniki fantasia 2012 Movie Style!

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Ο Bielek έχει πεθάνει, ή είναι εν ζωή ακόμα;

Και προφανώς, ο Allen αποκλίεται να έκανε φάρσα. Κάπου θα τα στήριζε όλα αυτά είτε αν ήταν αληθινά, είτε όχι.


Τέλως Πάντων, όλα αυτά τι υποτίθεται πως μας δείχνουν;

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po guys goustarw teties suzuthseis alla dn exw apopsi apla exw akousei kai me endiaferoun peite kai alla pragmata^^ epeishs exw dei sto youtube ena video-ntokimanter kapws p enas phgene konta sthn bash 51 alla dn mpike mesa htan ap ekso kai eixe kati kagkela kai nmz egrafe mia pinakida mesa opios eiselthei tha purovolithei w8 na to psakso mpas kai to vrw...

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an gini auto pou les ontos 8a pe8anoume oli alla sas to lew eida sti tileorasi pou to legane oles einai mpourdes kanis dn xeri pote 8a pe8anoume kanis dn xeri tpt oli leme psemata opos kai i nasa kai oli auti kai o ka8e enas tous pistebi epidi exi ena titlo mlkies ola lew oti einai...


edit: kai pos xeroume ti exoun ftiaksi mpori na exoun bali kati sti selini gia na bgazi nero ... xero go auta pou lene einai epistimoniki fantasia 2012 Movie Style!


To ότι θα ευθυγραμμιστούν οι πλανήτες, δεν σημαίνει πως πρέπει να πεθάνουμε :S

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To ότι θα ευθυγραμμιστούν οι πλανήτες, δεν σημαίνει πως πρέπει να πεθάνουμε :S

leei pos 8a eu8igramistoun i planites kai 8a magnitistoun kai 8a sigrou8oume kai stin ousia 8a ginoume komatia pou 8a eorounte sto diastima x0a0xa0x0a entelos epistimoniki fantasia

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loipon egw pisteuw pos i area51 d exei tpt spoudeo apla i amerikanoi to kratane ekei , kai sigura ta simantika egrafa den ta exoun ekei , ta exoun sigoura sto pentagono stin vivlio8iki tou vaticanou kai den 3erw k egw pou..Egw 8a rwtisw kapia apla pragmata..



Pos xtistike i piramida tou xeopa?Giati xtistike ekei?TO kalokeri o ilios peutei stin panw pleura ton ximona stn katw to f8inoporo stn de3ia tin ani3i sta aristera..


O Par8enonas oi 4 akres tou siklinoun ELAXISTA pros ta mesa , pragma pou simenei oti den ine paraliles kai ama tis proektinume kapou 8a eno8oun..E an kanume tis pra3eis k vgaloume ton ogo tis 8eoritikis piramidas p vgenei apo tis 4 pleures vgenei akrivos to MISO tis piramidas tou xeopa..


Ta elinika 8riskeutika naoi ktl , apexoun OLA meta3y tous sigekrimeni apostasi , (xlmetro,metron,ekatoston,xilioston)px delfoi , knwsso ktl ktl



PWS TA KANAN OLA AUTA OI ARXAIOI?O 8eos RA tis egipto mipos itan kapio alo on?


To trigono olympias delfon^ ki naos toy ifestoy i apolona dn 8imamai ston par8enona...

Egw 8a s po kati pio trelo , sta imalaria ida ston liakopoylo poy brikan enan nao toy apolona LoL apo google earth ton edixne..

an gini auto pou les ontos 8a pe8anoume oli alla sas to lew eida sti tileorasi pou to legane oles einai mpourdes kanis dn xeri pote 8a pe8anoume kanis dn xeri tpt oli leme psemata opos kai i nasa kai oli auti kai o ka8e enas tous pistebi epidi exi ena titlo mlkies ola lew oti einai...


edit: kai pos xeroume ti exoun ftiaksi mpori na exoun bali kati sti selini gia na bgazi nero ... xero go auta pou lene einai epistimoniki fantasia 2012 Movie Style!

an ey8igramistoyn , gia oso kratisi  , 8eoritika ena megalo komati tis gis 8a pagosi eno allo 8a einai zesto...

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Τι μας κρύβουν ...?



έρχομαι με περισσότερα Ντοκουμέντα

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Na sou pw egw kati AKOMA pio trelo?Sto everest konta ine mia poli TsaoumPaoum kapos etc legete p ine erimomeni edw k poly kero..Auti i poli xtistike me plakes pou TONWN variwn..kai ta ilika auta edi3an oti ta piran apo KATW apo to vouno apo stasis DEKADWN xiliometro.




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re eiste mlks ti psaxnete? sto kosmo mas uparxoun pragmata pou oute sta oneira sou dn fantazese pisteuete oti i nasa dn exei brei ufo? eiste gelasmenoi to sumpan einai aperanto dn 8a mporesei na analaf8ei pote emeis 3eroume 1/9999999999999999999999999999999 pragmata dn einai ola tuxaia apla auta ta xronia 8a ginoun pragmata kala kaka dn 3erw kai 8a ginoun pragmata p kanenas dn perimenei..

katalabete kati dn pisteuoume alla pragmatika oti mporoume na fantastoume uparxei!! o kosmos einai sta teleftea tou pistepste me

se mia 10 etia 8a sumboun pragmata pou htan problepomena na shmboun o kosmos krubei polla opws kai to sumpan

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Τι μας κρύβουν ...?



έρχομαι με περισσότερα Ντοκουμέντα

Μπορεί οι λέξεις, όπως τηλεκίνηση και τηλεπάθεια, να είναι πολύ της μόδας τελευταία, και πάνω τους να στηρίζονται ολόκληρα τηλεοπτικά show ανά τον κόσμο, αλλά η συγκεκριμένη τεχνική… μόνο καινούργια δεν είναι.


Ένα από τα χαρακτηριστικά παραδείγματα είναι η Nina Kulagina, μία Ρωσίδα με φοβερές πνευματικές δυνάμεις, που μπορούσε να κινήσει με το μυαλό της σχεδόν οτιδήποτε. Γεννήθηκε το 1926 και την περίοδο του Β’ Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου εργάστηκε στο πανεπιστήμιο του Λένινγκραντ.


Ασχολήθηκε πειραματικά με τα φαινόμενα της παραψυχολογίας. Η τηλεκίνησή της αποδίδεται στο γεγονός ότι η Kulagina, κατά τη στιγμή της συγκέντρωσης, γινόταν πηγή υπεριώδους ακτινοβολίας. Ως αποτέλεσμα, ο έντονος ιονισμός που προκαλείτο στον αέρα μπορούσε να μετακινήσει τα διάφορα αντικείμενα.

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  • Posts

    • Hello everyone,   We're shifting our focus away from implementing as much as possible from the Essence gameplay. Instead, the server will now be Interlude, but using the Essence client.   This should be good news for everyone.   The Beta phase will most likely take place in November, with the grand opening to follow shortly after.   Cheers!
    • We remind you that the opening will take place today, on September 28 at: 19:00 (UTC+3) - server time Check current server time(UTC +3) On 17:00 (UTC +3) We allow you login to create character! Dear friends, this topic important! So please take time to read it. First we want to thank all players who took part in the Open Beta testing, was good activity and nice Olympiad Event yesterday, we all get a lot of fun  Thanks to all who conducted tests with us and prepared this game world! You are amazing!  On 17:00 (UTC +3) We allow you to login for create character! To restrict your name and transfer ToDs/Season Pack to your character. Make it before start! On start, we can have problems with WEB! Everything you need to start on the server: It is IMPORTANT to prepare everything for starting the game RIGHT NOW, do not postpone for later, during the opening there may be problems with the web part of the project, and you simply can not register. - Registration and files Download archive unzip it, run launcher, choose SEASON x25 server and press FULL CHECK What you need to know at the start: Registration for 7 seals from Monday, September 30, full cycle 1 week. First Mammons on Friday October 4 All Epic Raid Bosses dead on start. First epic QA will appear on Monday, next day Core + Zaken + QA and so on by schedule All other RBs alive on server start (including Sub and Nobl RB) - Full RoadMap   About possible attacks on server start. We have prepared as good as we can. We will control the start of the server together with you. Want to ask you, in the case of a problem, don't panic, panic is the worst possible thing that could be, even worse than any attack. We have enough specialists to solve any problems, all that will need from you is patience and trust. Wish you all a smooth start and months of enjoyable play in new Season Interlude x25! Have a fun!
    • 🚨🇦🇷🇧🇷🇪🇸🇸🇰🇺🇳🇨🇱🚨 Devianne - Lineage 2 Interlude  Client - Classic. 🔷Rates 🔸Experience (EXP) - 10x 🔸Skill Points (SP) - 10x 🔸Adena - 6x 🔸Drop Items - 3x 🔸Spoil - 3x 🔸Quest Experience (EXP) - 1x 🔸Quest Skill Points (SP) - 1x 🔸Quest Adena - 1x 🔸Quest Items Drop - 1x 🔸Seal stone Drop - 1x 🔸Epic raid - 1x 🔸Raid Drop - 2.0x 🔸Manor - 5x 🔷Dynamic Rates XP/SP 🔸Lv. 1-52 EXP/SP X10 (x7 without VIP or vote reward) 🔸Lv. 52-61 EXP/SP X7(x5 without VIP or vote reward) 🔸Lv. 61-76 EXP-SP X5 (x3 without VIP or vote reward) 🔸Lv. 76-78 EXP/SP X3 (x2 without VIP or vote reward) 🔸Lv. 78-80 EXP/SP X2 (x1 without VIP or vote reward) ⚠️Extra Settings⚠️ 🔸Server time, site - GMT -3 🔸Buffs, Dances, and Songs duration - 1 hour 🔸Max Buffs Slots - 22 + 4 divine 🔸Maximum Slots Dances and Songs - 12 🔸GmShop Grade - C 🔸Global teleport 🔸Grade B-A-S - Craft 🔸Mana potion recharge 🔸1000 (9 seconds delay) 🔸Raid HP - x1.4 🔸Raid epic HP - x1 🔸Blacksmith Mammon - 24/7 🔸Champions System - Yes chance respawn 0.5% 🔸Offline mode Shop - Yes 🔸Auto Learn Skills - Yes 🔸Auto Learn Loot - Yes 🔸Auto Learn Raid & Grand 🔸Boss Loot - No 🔸Buffer offline - Yes 🔸Wedding System - Yes 🔸Max level diff distribution drop in party - 14 🔸Limit the number of active gaming clients on one PC - 2 🔸Limit the number of active gaming clients on one PC for Premium - 3 🔸The clan leader will be replaced after server restart ⚠️Class and Subclass Change⚠️ 🔸1st profession Quest - No 🔸2nd profession Quest - No 🔸3rd profession Quest - Yes 🔸Sub Class Quest- Yes 🔸Sub Class Raid - 8 hours +-30m random 🔸Nobility and Olympiads Nobility Quest - Yes 🔸Olympiads (duration) - 14 days 🔸Max enchant - +6 🔸Respawn Barakiel 6 hours - +-15 min random 🔸Olympiad schedule - 13:00 to 00:00 🔸Minimum players to start olympiad - 11 Clans and Sieges Penalty duration - 8 hours 🔸Sieges every - 15 days Max Ally - 2 🔸Max Members - 36 🔸Slots for academies in clan - 40 ⚠️Enchants Rate⚠️ 🔸Blessed Scroll chance 60% 1-10 11-16 40% 🔸Crystal Scroll chance 65% 1-10 11-16 40% 🔸Normal Scroll chance - 55% 🔸Safe Enchant - +4 ⚠️Premium Info⚠️ 🔅+20% xp sp drop spoil adena 🔅+5% additional enchant rate (premium 30 days)   Free autofarm ⚠️Starter Pack⚠️ 🔅Free Premium - 24 hours 🔅Free Autofarm - 24 hours ❇️Raid boss Info❇️ 🔸Anakim/Lilith respawn 18 hours +1:30min random 🔸Tyrannosaurus - respawn 8 min drop Tl 76 🔸Queen Ant (LVL 80) - Respawn Monday and Saturday 22:00 🔸CORE (LVL 80) - Respawn Tuesday-Friday 20:00 🔸ORFEN (LVL 80) - Respawn Tuesday-Friday 21:00 🔸BAIUM (LVL 80) - Respawn Saturday 21:00 🔸ZAKEN (LVL 80) - Respawn Wednesday-Thursday 22:00 🔸FRINTEZZA (LVL 85) - Sunday 19:45 ⚔️Quest Details⚔️ QUEST WEAPON RECIPES: - Relics of the Old Empire x1: - Gather the Flames x1 x1: QUEST ARMOR RECIPES: - Alliance with Varka Silenos x1 - Alliance with Ketra Orcs x1 - War with Ketra x1 - War with Varka x1 - Gather the Exploration of the Giants’ Cave Part 1 x3 - Exploration of the Giants’ Cave Part 2 x1 - Whispers of Dream part 2 x2 - Legacy of Insolence x1 QUEST RECIPES JEWERLY - The Finest Food x1 QUEST RESOURCES - The Zero Hour x2 - Golden Ram Mercenary x2 - An Ice Merchant dream x2 QUEST FOR FABRIC: - Whispers of Dream part 1 x1 BEAST FARM : - Delicious Top Choice Meat x2 👁️OTHER QUEST👁️ 👁️- Yoke of the Past x2 👁️- In Search of Fragments of Dimension x2 👁️- The finest Ingredients x3 👁️- Supplier of reagents x3 - 👁️3rd class Halisha Marks drop x3 - 👁️Into the flames x3 - 👁️Audience with the land dragon x3 - 👁️An Arrogant Search x3 - 👁️Last Imperial Prince x3 🚨Soul Crystal Details🚨 🔸- Level up crystals to 11, 12, 13 🔸- All epics can level up crystals for the whole party (Queen Ant, Core, Orfen, Zaken, Baium, Antharas, Valakas, Frintezza). - 🔸Bosses in PVP zone: Master Anays, High Priest Van Halter. 👁️🔸- Anakim/Lilith, Uruka. - You can level up crystals in Rift, but only 1 party can challenge Anakazel (10%)PARTY_RANDOM at the same time (if one party is in the boss, you need wait them to go out). 👁️🔸- You can level up crystals in Primeval Island by killing tyrannosaurus with 10% chance PARTY_ALL for the person who cast the crystal and makes last hit. ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ WEB: https://devianne-l2.com/ DISCORD: https://discord.gg/Q3HAMzasUk 🔥🔥SERVER TEST OPEN !!🔥🔥🔥
    • I am here for the plank jumps and the cookies any news about that?
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