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[Rate] Newest® Signature bY NotABastard.


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Hmm...This one is much better than the others..But the animation on the text and generally the whole text sux :S

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Just wanted to clarify something


I didn't make this to look pro ,nor did I tell Vazelos to post it here.


I made it to make a friend happy during a hard time he was having.


It took ~10 minutes, not because it was hard but because I was trying to find a good James Hetfield Render.


I suck at text, but the tips I am given are general/useless to me. I wish someone would just come to me, and give me some clear tips like : Do this, do that, put the text there etc.


Thanks for all the constructive comments :)

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Just wanted to clarify something


I didn't make this to look pro ,nor did I tell Vazelos to post it here.


I made it to make a friend happy during a hard time he was having.


It took ~10 minutes, not because it was hard but because I was trying to find a good James Hatefield Render.


I suck at text, but the tips I am given are general/useless to me. I wish someone would just come to me, and give me some general tips like : Do this, do that, put the text there etc.


Thanks for all the constructive comments :)

Wow wow wow wait a bit.I am getting mad when I see some people who "think"  that they are pro on GFX or smth judging like this.

I am talking about ProJecT...

Man really are you serious?Do you see what you write?I don't like it?LOL a real gfx user's reply would be like this:

I don't like the text.It's not good placed bla bla.Have you ever watched your creations like they are not yours?Sometimes you have to judge like a designer and lot like someone that does not know anything but if it looks bad or good....

@NaB:Your sig is great but the animation sux.You've done it very well.Just remove the animation and it will look much more better.

If you want tips on how to do a great text pm me on msn!

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I cant read the txt, what does it say?


It looks pretty good any way (i didnt knew you were a metallica fan Vaz xD)


come crawling faster

obey your master

your life burns faster

obey your master



Master of Puppets lyrics


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Wow wow wow wait a bit.I am getting mad when I see some people who "think"  that they are pro on GFX or smth judging like this.

I am talking about ProJecT...

Man really are you serious?Do you see what you write?I don't like it?LOL a real gfx user's reply would be like this:

I don't like the text.It's not good placed bla bla.Have you ever watched your creations like they are not yours?Sometimes you have to judge like a designer and lot like someone that does not know anything but if it looks bad or good....

oh come on.... What's the problem again with me?


Did i say that i am a pro? As you see my avatar(my last avatar) and my signature saying Newbie. I just say my opinion nothine more nothing else. When I am saying I don't like the text I mean the font.


umf, Whatever....

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i dont know why You always take members posts with negative side.

i'm not speaking for MD i'm speaking generally.

the 70 per cent of Platinums look the member's replies about rating with negative side.

maybe he had something t do and he made a fast reply just ONLY for his opinion.


i'm not a friend of project or something like that.

friendly always,

stop it

@sig is good.

a simple background and a excellent result.

you have a problem with texts :)

like me!yeah?

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