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[Request]Interlude skills



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Hello I Want 100% working interlude skills for l2j if you want share me please! thnx you!


oooookay that was a funny one...if a spam topic addict see this  plz into the spam topic: Top 10 most idiot request of 2009 thanks :)


first of all you cant find 100% working skills especially for shitlude...other thing they need core support and if you ask for simple xmls i guess you cant make the java part...so its kinda weird i guess you will open a new 3day fake server right?

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oooookay that was a funny one...if a spam topic addict see this  plz into the spam topic: Top 10 most idiot request of 2009 thanks :)


first of all you cant find 100% working skills especially for shitlude...other thing they need core support and if you ask for simple xmls i guess you cant make the java part...so its kinda weird i guess you will open a new 3day fake server right?


I can't believe that exist people like you nowadays Intrepid...People like you should be execute with jewes in Germany...He is not spamming "smartass"he just ask for something...

If you have anything that can help him HELP HIM...YOU ARE the one who's spamming,posting sh!ts like that...You think you know everything.... PFFFFFFF


@On TopiC:Make your own...They should be more stable :D

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I can't believe that exist people like you nowadays Intrepid...People like you should be execute with jewes in Germany...He is not spamming "smartass"he just ask for something...

If you have anything that can help him HELP HIM...YOU ARE the one who's spamming,posting sh!ts like that...You think you know everything.... PFFFFFFF


@On TopiC:Make your own...They should be more stable :D


tell me when i said i know everything?dont talk unless you dont know what are you talking about...read again my post please very slowly maybe you will understand it...i talk in facts not in bullshits you see thats a difference beetwen me and spammers because spammers dont even know what they want to say i know what im talking about and i live with it...so what i said is just for you to understand it:


the request of the topic is bullshit yes anyone can argue with it but you cant find 100% working skills for even C4 how you want to find 100% working skills for something crap like interlude?no way.


first of all you cant find 100% working skills especially for shitlude...i said that because this is the truth nobody can proove me wrong even russians cant because they know it too that l2j never will be complete because of lack of information and test from retail servers.


other thing they need core support and if you ask for simple xmls i guess you cant make the java part...i said that because this seems to me obvious if somebody ask for 100% working skills nono let me correct this he want 100% working skills this means he dont have the knowledge to make it alone and if somebody cant make a skill xml which is not hard how can make a core side skill support?


so its kinda weird i guess you will open a new 3day fake server right?...and i said that because this is a fact 99% of the interlude servers are open 3days later start to go down 1week later closed.i can count on my 1 hand how much interlude server exist which has players over 200...


so stfu 1.im not spamming 2.your ontopic answer was spam 3.rasist flame against staff member 4.i dont said hes spamming 5.i helped him with telling the facts about hes request.


I dont care if someone like interlude i have nothing to do with it!But atleast have enough brain to realise in development side interlude is the biggest crap that ever made in the l2j scene!

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Oh ok...1)You are stuff member and you think you are something?

You are just a retard kid who is wasting he's life in a forum...

2)I said you are spamming cause you didn't answer him clearly,and

post "shits like that"it's like you sware him or something...

did he did you something?

3)My ontopic answer wasn't on topic cause I tryed to give him a message using fewer words...Thats way of my life....

4)About the interlude part,I don't use Interlude so do what you want with that...

GL with your burned life...


#Last favor:Lock this topic till someone pm him and help him...(Too much spam)

If you want to tell me something more pm me...

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Oh ok...1)You are stuff member and you think you are something?

You are just a retard kid who is wasting he's life in a forum...

2)I said you are spamming cause you didn't answer him clearly,and

post "shits like that"it's like you sware him or something...

did he did you something?

3)My ontopic answer wasn't on topic cause I tryed to give him a message using fewer words...Thats way of my life....

4)About the interlude part,I don't use Interlude so do what you want with that...

GL with your burned life...


#Last favor:Lock this topic till someone pm him and help him...(Too much spam)

If you want to tell me something more pm me...


LOL retard kid?Burned life?hmmm thats funny since you dont know me you are just a pointless flamer and im wasting my life in a forum?:D i loled at this im here to help and as you see in this section i have bigger activity than all the other l2jdevs together so what im doing is i do what my "job" here and not wasting life.Other thing why i spam?i need to spam?no i have over 1K post = no hidden topic im in the staff = no hidden topic so i have no reason to spam.Ohh and by the way for the "You are stuff member and you think you are something?" when i said that?i never said im better because im a staff member lol and by the way the members promoted me to a staff member months ago so /failed...


But again...i still have a valid point and you?you just try to flame me in your own pathetic way so since the only way i can make action because of my privs is -1karma for:


-spam(do your own actually not an answer)

-flame(doesnt matter if a staff member or no flame like you do is prohibited in MaxCheaters)

-rasist words(i dont need to explain why this is prohibited)

-personal insult(kinda funny since you dont know me)


Anyway just because you made me laugh i tell it again for the request.:


If you want 100% working interlude skills learn java than start to understand l2j go to www.l2jserver.com/forum start to searrch for the core supports and start to add them to your interlude core(thats when problem comes no info about them for interlude)than you can start the xml part which is hard again because of a lot of changes been made in skills beetwen interlude and gracia final(as the currently supported latest chronicle).



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OMG Close my Thread Please But Intrepid And Kor0o0 -beep-ed up my thread!!!


Dude i dont want to insult you but:#Last favor:Lock this topic till someone pm him and help him...(Too much spam)

If you want to tell me something more pm me...


I already request it :D

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OMG Close my Thread Please But Intrepid And Kor0o0 -beep-ed up my thread!!!


Asked and ~Locked!




100% Working skills? If some1 Have them belive me he will never share them xDDD


@kor0o0: Don't be so strict if you don't like Intrepid opinion gtfo and don't reply... you don't help to.... so what the point of your reply... pfff.


If you don't like something feel free to pm me... or Intrepid.





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