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KaLhspera.Epeidh Dn skabazw k PoLLa apo Texture desing (:D)

8a h8ela an Eine eukolo Texture gia Dc-Imperial-Dragonic Armors..

Sto forum vrhka kai gia ta 3 alla htan entelws elleina :D..

3erw oti zhtaw Polla apla Epeidh o Server m 8a exei Custom armor Ice Crusader k

8a 8elei 1-2 vdomades gia na thn farm (:D)  8a kanw ena shop me aftes ts armor k ligo parapanw stats

g na paizoun k na farm euk0la ta items;)

Kai ta kanonika texture eine elleina epishs.. :P


An kapios asxolh8ei me t0 8ema..


thx eK tn ProterWn..


Kai mhn dianoi8ite na m kanete post me guide gia texture editing gt apla dn 8elw na asxolh8w.

Oxi epeidh vrm h dn exw xrono apla epeidh dn maresei.. Ta Pame Koritsia :D

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