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BAium + Aq spawned in the end ?

zaken didnt ... no minions no mobs in his "ship" xD check that rb also ;d isnt only about aq + baium ! (but u got these cool screens )


Sure he is, I'm dizzan, arkein is botgod and all the forum mods are actually shmee...

/sarcasm off.


I suggest you don't listen to what some angry polish kids type on the forum when they try to blackmail staff for free items and fail.

Learn things on your own and get solid unfailing facts. Seeing how dismay is currently Nr1 I find it VERY hard to believe we would have anything to do with past l2x staff.




well, I would agree with you guy,


Tomcraft aka Rey

Vim aka Klemen

TheDoctor aka JMadness

Arkein aka Bubble (EviLLAngeL)


how did i found it? I'm John ;)


and about online counter, its more than 3x,


PS. Klemens, are you sure L2D is Nr1? Hard to belive in that. :)

PS2. Why did you removed nWatch from the server box? :( i wanted to check some ppl inventory... especially DND crew... RB jewels like last time? :D

PS3. screenshots looks like max 300 online ;)


Anyways, i dont give a shit, its ur server now after i left. Want real players and not virtual ones that are added to online players count? Dont lie em than.




Want some proofs?





TeamSpeak of L2Dismay, check: (domains hosted at that IP: http://l2extreme.us/ , http://l2paranoid.com/)


same IP, strange?


Cya, have fun ;)


Anyways, i dont give a shit, its ur server now after i left. Want real players and not virtual ones that are added to online players count? Dont lie em than.

It never was your server. You never left. You were kicked after you tried to -beep- up dismay in every possible way.

Everyone was corrupted, except you, right? Everyone was giving out items and doing favors, except you, right again?

I loved the announcements and shouts you did in giran and the item drops. Honestly. Everyone believed you, I bet even you yourself believed all the fat lies you were saying (to be honest, your post almost looks a bit like the thing mentioned above).


You had an alt char Trunks in dragonball clan and were doing massive crap with it. Edited stats, edited skills, edited items. Still remember how you came online with Kumo on aden siege, kicked me out of gm clan, and then demoted me? After which I changed all the passwords to the server and you couldn't do your shit anymore?

Yet, you did, free itamz meng a week ago. Oly feeds all the way.

I thought you got over that raging in giran, after you realised I wiped all the fake oly points from your DB friends sharissa and others.

I still wonder how you fed them so many points (hint, next time delete the match history as well where it's shown exactly who did which matches, not just change the points of a player).


I also find it so damn hilarious how you came up crawling out of your cave just today, after exilium along with sharissa made a huge "omg corruption" posts all over the forum, saying how I'm zastien and that I give boss jewels and other nonsense.

The same Exilium from gloss that was in alliance with your Trunks char and same sharissa that was in your DB clan.


Second point, counter x3?

Honestly, have you seen the pictures I have posted on the previous page? There are many, MANY players all over the server. Dismay70x is nothing how 30x corrupted (by Kumo) was. It might had 300 people back then, now it has way, way more.


Give it up Kumo. You failed on l2dismay, you failed with your l2lad. There is no need to trash dismay or being jealous. You had your chance. Instead of being clean and running a server like a professional admin, you decided to -beep- around and ruin it. Word of advice. When you go siege on your l2lad server, make sure to not resurrect yourself out of nowhere so everyone can see it, when there isn't any of your party members around to do it, okay?


p.s. If gloss comes to your l2lad I'd laugh my ass off. You could do a happy trio once again, just like on 30x.

Except this time there won't be me to stop your corruption anymore. Go wild meng.


edit: forgot about the item observation.

I don't have to explain myself to you why we removed it. But hey, if you (or anyone else at that point) would like to see the imaginary boss jewels on half a server, that can be arranged.

Expect the link for item watcher here tomorrow, after I get the files (I don't have access to my desktop pc right now, or it would be here already).


can ya just stfu with "we kicked you" ? i left myself if u dont remember, :)


Klemen, why u dont give any counterargument for me - calling ya as i call you? ;)


one more thing, i've never opened any other serv than l2dismay so just stfu :) and yea, i opened l2d since it was 100% my work.


anyways i dont give a shit, why u removed "TS2" from website? scared cuz of true? ;)


PS. you removed nWatch since DND was full of epics, thats the reason ;)


PS2. get real life my biatch ;)


Glad to tell you our "Lineage II Group" has just decided to be playing on this server :) Furthermore its just amazing. Pure fun.


I followed most of the sites, which wasn't always easy to do, but finally I managed it.

All are accusing the NEW Dismay of being corrupt again and such things and I highly doubt that.


Now let's change my point of view to Kumo.

Could you be so kind to just give up and leave this thread? Your posts are really hilarious and I doubt they are true. In fact, you should not try to destroy a project that you are obviously jealous on.

As I could understand you once owned or at least was a member of it's stuff, but left because of corruption (after these posts I could bet you were corrupt bur let's dont shoot over the point)


This server is wonderfull right now. I dare you to not fucking destroy this atmophere. If you do, which you actually have done some posts ago, it's just showing all of us, how pathetically and hilarious your reactions are and what your behaviour seriously looks like.


You are trying to prove things, but seriously stop it already. I bet all of us are sick of it.

I formyself am absolutly sure the Staff isn't corrupt (yet, which shall not mean you will ever be!)

Besides it would be just too sarcastic, working on a project like this, which, FOR SURE, was not easy to do and destroy it with corruption once again, huh?


So what result do we gain?


Kumo, just leave this server alone and let it be Number One, something you never managed to reach... (Fortunatly)


Regards, Blood aka xDrac


Nothing to point to anyone but i do bet that the players count is not true, and its easy to see it if u log in like i did.

Also, Evilution in 1 week got weapons +++ wich other people that played there since the begining can't do, strange...



anyway, have fun :)


Well, duno if that applies for you but when I login I just see players where ever I look. I can't even manage to get from Point A to Point B without getting stuck by players crowds ;D


And well.... enchanting is about luck :P You can get 1 +16 weapon by enchanting ur first. Its all about having luck.


Well at least the player count is 100% true


@ Microz, what kind of weapons? Almost entire E is on baium screenshot on previous page. What is so special about their weapons?


I do not know weather they botted for those +6 to +8 they have or if they are legit, but according to this link http://www.forum.l2dismay.com/index.php?topic=1083.15 Only one of their member has dark blue weapon (this is the corruption thread that Kumo's friend started)




If you "left on your own", then how come you deleted both tomcraft's and my forum account and ipbanned us, then continuously regave yourself admin status through forum's database after we retook them back in the same way (until password was changed)?


And "if you don't give a -beep-" as you said, why did you even post that claim above, replied to it and are now constantly refreshing this thread to see the follow-up replies?


There are only two kind of people I am afraid to get involved with in any way.

First ones are violent type that may put my life in danger at some time.

Second group is the, how to say, they are the kind of people that imagine things in their head, say it out loud and then believe every word they say no matter how little sense it has.

You kumo, belong in the second one.

I realized that on 30x dismay when you claimed EVERYONE was corrupted. Everyone except you. People might have believed if you admitted you were corrupted and maybe pull it down on me or tomcraft, but saying how EVERYONE EXCEPT you are the reasons to blame...

I do not want to go into confrontation with you as it would only hurt dismay, but please, for once, think about what you are saying and move along with that.

You said you don't give a -beep- and that you were done with dismay long ago due to your personal choice.

Believe in that, show it and stop replying, thank you.


Do you need some kind of confirmation of your post with silly accusations of who we are...

Tomcraft is dizzan, arkein is botgod, Flawless (forum mod) is Schmee, and I'm rey.


Even if the above was true, imo it doesn't matter at all, not even a single bit. Dismay grew a lot and is still expanding.

Tomcraft's relations, my huge effort and money from donations actually being invested back into dismay brought it to where it is now. I believe our achievements speak for themselves.


Will you please stop now? Thank you.


Not a single word to thank me for my support....


Anways, embass is 100% telling the truth.

Accept the fact they managed to do something, you did not, Kumo. And now leave already :)




Not a single word to thank me for my support....

Sometimes I focus too much on the things that aren't important and not enough on those that are.


Thank you.

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