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interlude [Interlude L2OFF] L2Dismay


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And what enchant via donations does vendetta have? and pvpx?

What is their enchant rate?

It's the same as ours, except donation amount varies a little bit.


Players are just too scrubbish to admit that and will rather serverhop, looking for an l2j like l2off server.



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And what enchant via donations does vendetta have? and pvpx?

What is their enchant rate?

It's the same as ours, except donation amount varies a little bit.


Players are just too scrubbish to admit that and will rather serverhop, looking for an l2j like l2off server.



vendetta is another server? I know very old clan named vendetta (about 4-5 years old). I am not talking about any other server, i don't care about them, this forum thread is about l2dismay :)

Anyway good luck with your server, i told everything i know, don't want to flame here :)

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seems like non "balanced" server > then urs .  that why l2vendetta=interlude , l2dismay=god knows what chronicle :) Now vim go with ur 300 players ( 100 real ) and run tests more , instead of fixing major bugs.


I never hurt a guy that its already down , but u deserve it .

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Dismay is garbage. Owner purposely, does not fix issues that will close the gap between donators and non-donators. Donators running around with star wars weapons while non-donators break 20 weapons to get 1 weapon to +5. Karma systems is busted rediculously broken to the point donators A-holes  that are lvl 80 go around pking lowbies at places like DVC and have over 150+ pk's and they remove karma in 1 mob.


Best part is, you will have donators, pretending to be non-donators ( cuz nobody admits to donating on dismay, they all say they made +12 s grade legit with .0005 % chance to succeed ) will rush to say I am wrong, and enchant is good, and I'm a QQ noob.


Don't worry scrubs, there's way more people that will back what I am saying than what VIM can come up with.


enjoy your 300 max players VIM, that will be 100 in just a few days chump.

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And what enchant via donations does vendetta have? and pvpx?

What is their enchant rate?

It's the same as ours, except donation amount varies a little bit.


Players are just too scrubbish to admit that and will rather serverhop, looking for an l2j like l2off server.



dude ur srvr has rly low enchant rate, ppl feeding in oly (crips) and u did nothing [main reason that half of the server left]

now stick with low ppl x)

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I suppose I should ban your aio now?


I know exactly which char that is lol, since there are only two valakas necklaces on entire server.



necklace id: 6657



DB query.


Fail much? :D

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Updated the second picture in previous post with more queries. Enjoy.







I wonder which clan that aio was from. Dnd or CS? I know Dnd raided Valakas first, not sure if it was cs who did it 2nd time.

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