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Thelw Na Rotico Kati Peri Hip Hop kai paragoges!!!


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geia sas paidia asxolou me to hip hop edw kai polu kairo exo etoima 2 tragoudakia alla apo paragoges dn exo..mipos kserete kana kalo programma gia na kanw kamia???ektos apo FL... episis an kanei kaneis dikes tou kai thelei na tis xrisimopiiso kanw kai parousiasi sto song....(kai ta 2 song einai se styl  erotiko g mia kopela p me pligoce )

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Opws ola ta ''kid0s'' pou ksafnika arxisane na tragoudane hip hop.

Akouw hip hop poso kairo,exw vgalei kommatia,pl prin ginei moda to hip hop.


Ti na pw.

Pada k' padou iparxoun kai tha iparxoun POZERS.


Anw,dokimase www.soundclick.com.



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Opws ola ta ''kid0s'' pou ksafnika arxisane na tragoudane hip hop.

Akouw hip hop poso kairo,exw vgalei kommatia,pl prin ginei moda to hip hop.


Ti na pw.

Pada k' padou iparxoun kai tha iparxoun POZERS.


Anw,dokimase www.soundclick.com.



dhmokratia exoume o ka8enas borei na apokaLeite opws 8elei kai me opoion tropo 8elei.

na leei oti 8elei na kanei oti 8elei.

an 8ec voi8iseton xwris na kaneic flames.

Platinum Warned


EDIT: put GR tags

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to vlepw pl sovara file an theleic pistepse to...dn eimai kana skato p to pezei graffitas kai einai yo k tetoia...akouo gt maresei kai episis tragoudaw entexno ,to hip hop kolise me to entexno gt dn tragoudaw krazontes kai ales vlakeies alla milaw g tin kathimerinotita kai alla sxetika...tnx

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  • 1 year later...

Aλλο beat και αλλο παραγωγη...

δε ξερω γιατι αλλα οι περισσοτεροι μπερδευουν τη λεξη παραγωγη με τη λεξη μπητ.


το ινστρουμενταλ,δηλαδη η μουσικη σκετη χωρις στιχους δε λεγεται "παραγωγη".

αυτο ειναι λαθος.


οταν λεμε 'η παραγωγη του δισκου/κομματιου" εννοουμε κατι αλλο.


η παραγωγη συμπεριλαμβανει τη ποιοτητα του μπητ,της ηχογραφισης,της μιξης,και γενικα ολων των διαδικασιων/λειτουργιων που δεχεται ενα κομματι μεχρι να ειναι ετοιμο να ακουστει "Master track".


Ενα κομματι το οποιο εχει καλη παραγωγη σημαινει πολλα πραγματα. Σημαινει πως ακουγεται καλα,και πως οσα πραγματα μπορουσαν να γινουν για να ακουγεται το κομματι οσο πιο καλα ειναι εφικτο να ακουστει,γιναν.


Αν ενα κομματι εχει απλα ενα beat που μας αρεσει,λεμε οτι εχει καλο beat η καλο instrumental.


Η παραγωγη συμπεριλαμβανει δηλαδη το beat making,την ηχογραφιση,τη μιξη,και το μαστερινγκ. (αν υπαρχει)

Παραγωγη ειναι η διαδικασια που κανεις για να παραγεις κατι,σε αυτη τη περιπτωση ενα τραγουδι.

Δεν ειναι αντικειμενο σε μια προταση,δηλαδη δεν ειναι μια ονομασια για κατι συγκεκρυμενο οπως π.χ. το beat.



Για παραδειγμα θα μπορουσε καποιος να παρει ενα απο τα καλυτερα μπητ που υπαρχουν,αλλα η ηχογραφιση του και η μιξη του να ηταν κακιστη με αποτελεσμα π.χ. να μην ακουγονται καθαρα τα οργανα,να μην καταλαβαινεις τους στιχους,ακομα και να ακους θορυβο "σςςςς" που προερχεται απο κακης ποιοτητας μικροφωνο....

Ενα τετοιο κομματι θα ειχε κακη παραγωγη,ακομα και αν ειχε φοβερο μπητ.

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Μπορείς να βρεις πολλές παραγωγές hip hop στο Internet. Αν ενδιαφέρεσαι για κάτι πιο special έχω φτιάξει διάφορες παραγωγές δικές μου με Cubase και το MPC Akai μου, τις οποίες πουλάω.

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    • While not particularly active over the years, I've been around for as long as I could remember, so here are my 2 cents too. On top of what has already been said, I'd like to touch on a few thing that might be improved upon. While it is easy to notice and say "there's lack of engagement" or "community has outgrown the ganre", I've seen numerous forums get forgotten and die while others continue to thrive to this day. The main issue, in my humble opinion, is that the sector has been commercialised to an unsustainable extent. When nobody is willing to share anything, even if it is just a rework of an open-sourced or already-shared resource, the sense of "community" gets deminished. Now back on the pressing matter. From what I've seen, the lack of engagement could be circumvented with a redesign and functionality expansion that would/could/should include: - a built-in chat functionality. - incentives for engagement/interaction, ideas of which I'll list as separate pointers, as not to limit your creativity. But just as an example, from a more user/human perspective, having an easily identifiable way to get into "the club of the cool kids on the block", figuratively speaking, is an incentive on its own. - separation of the reputation into reactions and reputation. One to be used to posts, such as up-vote and what not, while the other to be awarded as means of appreciation. - automated ranks with actual benefits/perks, not like the current ones providing nothing. - the ability to hide text for user/group of users, not just premium/no premium. - increased visibility of the HOT topics and the RECENTLY ACTIVE threads/posts. Can be also expanded to most liked posts, etc. ps.: I'll update my post when I have some free time on my hands.
    • There was no way I didn't refunded or delivered files. I don't see You on my conrtact list on Discord, can You send me a message or at least tell me for what project was this updater? I always resolve if I can't deliver on time or customer bailes.
    • @rlfem123  I’m a web developer, and I work with technologies like Next.js and React. In the last 10 years, L2 Rankzone is the only one I’ve seen that actually did something different. All the others seem to have the same source code with different templates. L2 Hopzone also did an upgrade and, for the front end, is using Vue.js. Regarding web development, we have reached a point where you can easily create websites using libraries or frameworks. Simply pick one and start working. You will learn as you go. Personally, I prefer to build my back-end APIs in Laravel if it’s a big project since the ecosystem offers everything. For smaller projects, I choose Go. Then I use either React or Next.js to call my APIs, depending on the case. Next.js also supports Server-Side Rendering (SSR) if you want to hide some things from the client. Additionally, CSS libraries have almost everything you need nowadays to start building quickly with browser compatibility. You can seriously build an L2 website with ranks, a good design, and even a simple login/register system in just 3 days. Here are some CSS libraries I personally work with: https://tailwindui.com/components   https://ui.shadcn.com/   https://mui.com/material-ui/ Regarding the top websites i dont thing its worth the time and effort.  Its pretty simple to build one and the market is already bloated. In addition l2 is dying so i suggest to build top sites for many games.  THe main problem is not the build process rather the marketing one. You can build the most awesome website iin terms of functionality but if you marketing is week you wont exceed 10 concurrent users. 
    • Good evening from me as well. I wouldn't recommend anyone, no matter how much love they have for the game, to try to revive it, not only because of the times but also because of the community (people who used to spend 15 hours grinding now qq for everything when they have auto-farm enabled 24/7... ) .  All the effort will be in vain. I have given all I had to this game. I have spent an incredible amount of time and over 20k the past 6 years, and the money can go to hell, but the time doesn't come back, I almost literally didn't get cancer... Also, very few people are worth collaborating with, all the rest are scammers and traitors. Unfortunately, only the projects that have been in the background for years do well.   P. S: "Once upon a time they used to be players now only complainers left" 
    • hello i use acis 401 In the video that you uploaded, the name is not visible, but it appeared to me I upload a screenshot so you can understand what I mean how can i fix it? https://prnt.sc/kTET9oxF4fos
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