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How can i allow skills to be used with all weapons for example

<skill id="292" levels="1" name="Bison Spirit Totem">

<set name="magicLvl" val="68"/>

<set name="mpConsume" val="32"/>

<set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/>

<set name="reuseDelay" val="600000"/>

<set name="hitTime" val="2000"/>

<set name="skillType" val="BUFF"/>

<set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE"/>

<set name="aggroPoints" val="624"/>

<set name="weaponsAllowed" val="1024"/>

<!-- Dual Fist -->


<effect name="Buff" time="60" val="0" stackOrder="1" stackType="possession">

<add order="0x40" stat="accCombat" val="6">

<using kind="Dual Fist"/>


<mul order="0x30" stat="pAtk" val="1.1">

<player hp="60"/>


<add order="0x40" stat="rCrit" val="100">

<player hp="60"/>


<mul order="0x30" stat="pAtk" val="1.3">

<player hp="30"/>


<add order="0x40" stat="rCrit" val="300">

<player hp="30"/>






can be used only with fists... i want bow and all weapons too

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  <skill id="292" levels="1" name="Bison Spirit Totem">

     <set name="magicLvl" val="68"/>

     <set name="mpConsume" val="32"/>

     <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/>

     <set name="reuseDelay" val="600000"/>

     <set name="hitTime" val="2000"/>

     <set name="skillType" val="BUFF"/>

     <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE"/>

     <set name="aggroPoints" val="624"/>


        <effect name="Buff" time="60" val="0" stackOrder="1" stackType="possession">

           <add order="0x40" stat="accCombat" val="6">


           <mul order="0x30" stat="pAtk" val="1.1">

              <player hp="60"/>


           <add order="0x40" stat="rCrit" val="100">

              <player hp="60"/>


           <mul order="0x30" stat="pAtk" val="1.3">

              <player hp="30"/>


           <add order="0x40" stat="rCrit" val="300">

              <player hp="30"/>








try now

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