Raigon Posted October 23, 2009 Posted October 23, 2009 - Top Games - Other Games - Online Games - Hacking Game Stuff -Web Design -Program Languages -Guides for Programs [Ps,DW,AE,SV,][Other Programs] -Optimize and Antivirus programs -Other (it will like one forum without any other categories) -Movies -Music -Free chat -Forum Games -News from World -Videos and Flash Games -Recycle Bin :D
Commodus Posted October 24, 2009 Posted October 24, 2009 MaxHackers Games Section : Category name : GAMES Boards : Computer Games Playstation 2 Games Xbox - Xbox 360 Games Nintedo Wii Games Playstation Portable (PSP) Games Games Requests
mVecAtoR Posted October 24, 2009 Posted October 24, 2009 *Maxhackers announcements and news -Announcements And News -Newbies Introduce Urself -Report Section *WaReZ TiMe -Games Discussion Child Board : Request Games -Computers Discussion -XxX Board 18+ (Hidden) -Music Child Board : Request Music -Videos Child Board : Request Videos -Downloads Section *Hacks Section Programming Languages C++ -Java Child Board : Request Java Help -CSS Child Board : Request CSS Help -HTML Child Board : Request HTLM Help -Hacks Child Board : Request Hacks -Program Languages Child Board : Request Program Languages *Off-Topic -Off-Topics -Spam Topics -MaxHackers Competitions And Events
mVecAtoR Posted October 24, 2009 Posted October 24, 2009 when this contest will take over? >.< you want to win ? :P
ExTrEmEDwarf Posted October 24, 2009 Posted October 24, 2009 you want to win ? :P yea i really want to be platinum lol <.< anyway, i want to see the new forum, not the contest winner. Cuz i have many things 4 share =]
MasterDisaster Posted October 25, 2009 Posted October 25, 2009 Here's my work! I hope you gonna like it Maxtor! -=Maxhackers Sections & Boards=- -=Maxhackers Main Section=- -Announcements and General Information -Rules & Updates(Imo any rule or update topic should go here,Can be a sub-section of Announcements and General information) -Introduce yourself -Forum Contests -=Report section=- -Dead links' reports -Rule breakments' reports -Ideas and suggestions -=Maxhackers Warez section=- -Movies --Subtittled --Non-Subtittled -TV Series --Subtittled --Non-Subtittled --Animes --Movies requests -Music --Singles --Albums --Discographies --Collections(Compactdisc club etc etc!) --Music requests -Games --PC Games --PS3/PS2/PSX/PSP Games --Xbox/Xbox 360 Games --Misc Games -Games requests -Software --Operating systems --Design & GFX(Graphics) Utilities(Including videos' editing) --Security Utilities --Web applications --Misc applications --Non-Windows Software(linux,mobiles,macintosh) --Software requests -E-Books -Videos --Sports videos --Gaming videos --Funny videos --Music videos(Video Clips,Concerts) --XXX Videos(Enter only if you are +18 years old) --Videos requests -=Maxhackers Hacking section=- -Game hacks --MMORPG Hacks and cheats ---Counter strike hacks ---Lineage 2 hacks ---AION Hacks ---WOW & DotA hacks --Misc Game Hacks and cheats ---FPS Hacks and cheats ---RPG Hacks and cheats ---Simulation Games hacks and cheats ---Strategy Games hacks and cheats ---Misc Games hacks and cheats -PC Hacking --Hacking tutorials --Consoles hacking --Hacking programs --Misc Hacks -Guides and tutorials -=Maxhackers developing section=- -Developing languages --HTML/CSS --PHP --Visual basic --C & C++ --Java --Misc developing languages -Misc Developing -=Maxhackers GFX Section=- -Photoshop & AE section --Photoshop & AE versions --PS & AE download section(Brushes,resources,plug-ins,patterns,etc etc) --PS & AE Show off(Show everything that you have made) --PS & AE tutorials(share any ps tutorial here) -=Maxhackers General Discussion=- -General Discussion -Jokes(Everything kinda funny goes here) -Maxhackers Newspaper(Approve some serious people to apart the Maxhackers newspaper team) -Technology News & Discussion -Movies related discussion -Music related discussion -Videos related discussion -=Donators Section=- -Donators general discussion -Shared accounts -Donators Plus(Any gift to donators)
L2Exploits.ForMe Posted October 26, 2009 Posted October 26, 2009 maxtor i see at the maxhackers that you choose ExtremeDwarf and 3 another for TEAM why you choose them???
L2Exploits.ForMe Posted October 26, 2009 Posted October 26, 2009 Announcement and News Greek Section English Section Computer Section Hack Section Trick Section Report Section Download Section Contest Section Off-Topic Guide Section Programms Section I WANT TO WIN AND TO BE PLATINUM
MiraDBZ Posted October 26, 2009 Posted October 26, 2009 Announcement and News Greek Section English Section Computer Section Hack Section Trick Section Report Section Download Section Contest Section Off-Topic Guide Section Programms Section I WANT TO WIN AND TO BE PLATINUM You'll sure win. LOL Anyway i just want to say that i do not agree with the programming section. No one is really interested and you'll see that some members will post only guides and no one will reply.
ProJecT Posted October 26, 2009 Posted October 26, 2009 Insider Rules Site News Introductions Lounge Amusement Link Exposure Applications Suggestions For Admins and Moderators only - visible to only admins and moderators Happy Poster Club - Club for everyone who has over (number) posts General General Chat News Introduse Yourself GFX Area Signature Showcase - Show off your style here to get it rated by other members Cinema 4D Productions - Made something in C4D ? post here to get it rated User Galleries - A forum where you can make your own gallery / portfolio Large Pic Showcase - Made a large pic ? then post it here to get it rated Tutorials - Come Here to see all our Photoshop Tutorials Signature of The Week - Sig Of The Week compotitions will be placed her Battles - Challenge another member to a photoshop battle. Resources - Post resources here to help other users Photoshop Help - Got question about photoshop ? Gifts - Show your gratitude to another member, make them a gift. Flash Flash Showcase - Made something in Macromedia Flash ? Flash Tutorials - Post your tutorials on Flash here Flash Help - Got a question on Flash? Ask here Websites Finished Websites - Got one? Post it here so we can view it. Web Designs - Made a design of a web template ? Post it here to get it rated Web Design Tips / Tutorials Other Moved Topics - All crap / spam will be moved here soits out of the way Hall of Shame - All the banned people will be placed here. Off Topic Spam Topic MaxHacker Competitions & Events Gamers Zone Computer and Online Gaming GuildWars MU Online Trackmania Nations Other (Not Listed) XBox 360 and Live Gaming Playstation 3 Nintendo Wii and DS Comunicate IRC IdleRPG IRC Stats IRC Quotes Serarch users User Pictures Who is Online Rankings IRC Chat IRC Command Reference MSN Messenger Yahoo! 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Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code bc BCPL BeanShell Bertrand BETA Bigwig Bistro BitC BLISS Blue Bon Boo Boomerang BPEL Brain-beep- BUGSYS BuildProfessional C C C-- C++ - ISO/IEC 14882 C# - ISO/IEC 23270 C/AL Caché ObjectScript Caml Cat Cayenne Cecil Cel Cesil CFML Cg Ch interpreter (C/C++ interpreter) Chapel CHAIN Charity Chef CHILL CHIP-8 chomski CHR Chrome ChucK CICS CIL Cilk CL (Honeywell) Claire Clarion Clean Clipper CLIST Clojure CLU CMS-2 COBOL - ISO/IEC 1989 CobolScript Cobra CODE Cola ColdC ColdFusion COMAL Common Lisp (also known as CL) COMPASS Component Pascal COMIT Converge Cool Coral 66 Corn CorVision COWSEL CPL csh CSP Csound CSS Curl Curry Cyclone D D Dao DASL - Distributed Application Specification Language DASL - Datapoint's Advanced Systems Language DarkBASIC DarkBASIC Professional DataFlex Datalog DATATRIEVE dBase dc DCL Deesel (formerly G) Delphi Dialect DinkC Dialog Manager DIBOL DL/I Dylan dylan.NET Dynace E E Ease EASY Easy PL/I EASYTRIEVE PLUS eC (Ecere C) ECMAScript Ecol eDeveloper Edinburgh IMP EGL Eiffel Einstein Elan elastiC Elf Emacs Lisp Englesi Epigram Erlang Escapade Escher ESPOL Esterel Etoys Euclid Euler Euphoria CMS EXEC EXEC 2 F F F# Factor Falcon Fan Felix Ferite FFP Fjölnir FL Flavors FLOW-MATIC Fly FOCAL FOCUS FOIL FORMAC @Formula Forth Fortran - ISO/IEC 1539 Fortress FoxPro 2 FP Franz Lisp Frink F-Script Fuxi G Gambas GAMS GAP G-code GDL Gibiane GJ GLSL GM GML GOAL Gödel Godiva Goo GOTRAN GPSS GraphTalk GRASS Green Groovy H HAL/S IBM HAScript Haskell HaXe High Level Assembly HLSL Hop Hope Hugo Hume HyperTalk I IBM Basic assembly language IBM Informix-4GL IBM RPG ICI Icon Id IDL IMP Inform Io Ioke IPL IPTSCRAE IronPython ISPF ISWIM J J J# J++ JADE Jako JAL Janus JASS Java JavaScript JCL JEAN Join Java JOSS Joule JOVIAL Joy JScript JSP K K Kaleidoscope Karel Karel++ Kaya KEE Kiev KIF Kite Kogut KRC KRYPTON ksh KUKA L L L# .NET L++ .NET LabVIEW Ladder Lagoona LANSA Lasso Lava Leadwerks Script Leda Legoscript Limbo Limnor LINC Lingo Linoleum LIS LISA Lisaac Lisp - ISO/IEC 13816 Lithe Little b Logix Logo LOLCODE LPC LSE LSL Lua Lucid Lush Lustre LYaPAS Lynx M M M4 MAD Magik Magma MapBasic Maple MAPPER (Unisys/Sperry) now part of BIS MARK-IV (Sterling/Informatics) now VISION:BUILDER of CA Mary MASM Microsoft Assembly x86 Mathematica MATLAB Maxima (see also Macsyma) MaxScript internal language 3D Studio Max Maya (MEL) MDL Mercury Mesa Metafont MetaL Microcode MicroScript MIIS MillScript MIMIC min Mindscript Miranda MIVA Script ML Moby Model 204 Modula Modula-2 Modula-3 Mohol, Mondrian MOO Mortran Moto Mouse MPD MSIL - deprecated name for CIL MSL MSX BASIC MUMPS Murphy Language Mythryl N Napier88 NATURAL NEAT chipset Neko Nemerle NESL Net.Data NetLogo NewLISP NEWP NewtonScript NGL Nial Nice Nickle Nosica NPL NQC Nu NXC NXT-G O o:XML Oak Oberon Object Lisp ObjectLOGO Object Pascal Objective-C Objective Caml Objective-J Obliq Obol occam occam-π Octave OmniMark Onyx Opal OpenEdge ABL OPL OPS5 Orc ORCA/Modula-2 Orwell Oxygene Oz P PARI/GP Pascal - ISO 7185 Pawn PCASTL PCF PEARL Perl PDL PHP Phrogram Pico Pict Piet Pike PIKT PILOT Pizza PL-11 PL/0 PL/B PL/C PL/I - ISO 6160 PL/M PL/P PL/SQL PL360 PLANC Plankalkül PLEX PLEXIL Pliant POP-11 Poplog PostScript PortablE Powerhouse PowerBuilder - 4GL GUI appl. generator from Sybase PowerScript PPL Processing Prograph PROIV Prolog Visual Prolog Promela PROTEL Proteus ProvideX Pure Python Q Q Qi QtScript QBasic QuakeC QPL R R R++ Rapira Ratfiv Ratfor RBScript rc REBOL Redcode REFAL Reia Revolution rex REXX Rlab ROOP RPG RPL RSL Ruby RapidBATCH S S S2 S3 S-Lang S-PLUS SA-C SAC SAIL SALSA SAM76 SAS SASL Sather Sawzall SBL Scala Scheme Scilab Scratch Script.NET Sed Seed7 Self SETL Shakespeare Shift Script SiMPLE SIMPOL SIMSCRIPT Simula SISAL Slate SLIP SMALL Smalltalk SML SNOBOL SPITBOL Snow Snowball SNUSP SOL Span SPARK Spice SPIN SP/k SPS Squeak Squirrel SR SSL Strand Subtext Suneido SuperCollider SYMPL SyncCharts SystemVerilog T T TACL TACPOL TADS TAL Tcl Tea TELON - Mainframe Online IMS/COBOL Generator TECO TELCOMP gt-Telon TenCORE TeX TEX TIE Timber Tom TOM Topspeed TPU Trac T-SQL TTCN Turbo Pascal Turing TUTOR TXL U Ubercode Unicon Uniface uniPaaS UNITY Unix shell Unlambda UnrealScript USE (Regency Systems) W Water WATFIV, WATFOR WebQL Whitespace Winbatch WinDev X X++ X10 XBL xHarbour XL XOTcl XPL XPL0 XQuery XSLT - See XPath Y Y YACC YAL Yoix Yoric Z Z Z notation Zeno Zonnon ZOPL ZPL ZZT-oop Because the Languages is TOO MUCH!! you can choose which you want! Btw i want a place to Photoshop Section on MaxHackers
Raigon Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 i still don`t get it why this is thread is not locked..forum is already active.
ExTrEmEDwarf Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 i still don`t get it why this is thread is not locked..forum is already active. and as i see it have mine suggestion ^.^ i think maxtor is still looking for ideas. Also having 1 board with 200 sub boards for language isnt normal, only the most useable programs are added, and theres an other language programs section for all others.
ProJecT Posted October 28, 2009 Posted October 28, 2009 That's why I write all Programmin Languages, so Maxtor can choose which he want!
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