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[Preview]My First Avatar Attempt + a new signature style :D


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BG is cool (based on Keron's guide, right?), as for the text, I personally don't like it too much :S




Well, BG is almost the same with the avatar's, which means nice work, but its still not perfect...


Nice try tho :)

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avatar: .. seriously font sux.. looks too simple like arial or smt.. its just a bg (not yours i guess) and a black text.. nothing special


signature: .. dragon's cuted wing is waaay too noticable.. i think u could find a way better render.. borders are bit too huge u should make them like on top and bottom only (like your final fantasy sig by sof.) not all around the sig.. font its again really simple like arial or w/e .. bg needs work... well its your first attempt anyway.. just keep those things in mind and try other fonts next time..

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avatar: .. seriously font sux.. looks too simple like arial or smt.. its just a bg (not yours i guess) and a black text.. nothing special


signature: .. dragon's cuted wing is waaay too noticable.. i think u could find a way better render.. borders are bit too huge u should make them like on top and bottom only (like your final fantasy sig by sof.) not all around the sig.. font its again really simple like arial or w/e .. bg needs work... well its your first attempt anyway.. just keep those things in mind and try other fonts next time..

Pffff!Nabish reply.Really nabish!

I guess that you don't know that fonts like Arial or like you call 'em "Simple" make the difference if are well-made!I will compare the text of his sig with the one of yours with the big boobz.Your font is actually one of the worst that you could use.It's well blended but it sux!Arial or Myriad Pro would be a miracle replacing this font!

Now about the outlines or the famous "Borders"!Your reply to his creation is kinda silly.You suggest him not to make borders around the whole sig and don't make them so "huge"!IMO this is silly,just because this style of borders really fits with some styles of signature even it doesn't really fit with Darkslayer's one!

Try to show off your GFX skills by saying something useful,not bullshits!

Yours faithfully,MasterDisaster or Jimmy(For friends LOL)




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