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What do blind people see?


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lol what means "why nothing is black?" :/ thats how it is lol.. blind means that u cant sence light at all... so means blind ppl see darkness and well darkness is black lol

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lol what means "why nothing is black?" :/ thats how it is lol.. blind means that u cant sence light at all... so means blind ppl see darkness and well darkness is black lol


Having a visual abillity is define material in a 3D with distance,height and their space.You see the colors and as long there is light to reflect them in to

your eye so you see them. Closing your eyes there is a lack of light and you see black.If your head looks towards the sun with your eyes closed you see a funky red color. So Black is not an answer since we can define it as a color and blind people don't have the visual abiliity to SEE the lack of light (Black). I believe they see actually nothing. No color. Just.. nothing.. like not having eyes at all...


My point : closing your eyes is not being blind. You still see but you eye lids are closed and they block the light SO THAT IS WHY YOU SEE BLACK.

But blind people don't see ANYTHING.

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Its not black.

They can see the light and the dark ,but it will be highly blured and they wont see a shit .. Its like looking thru a chh2o water...

I know that ,cuz when i had surgery to my eyes ,they told me

"You will see like blind people in the next 2-3 days and highly blured.Thats how blind people see .. enjoy :D"


And... end  :D

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Its not black.

They can see the light and the dark ,but it will be highly blured and they wont see a shit .. Its like looking thru a chh2o water...

I know that ,cuz when i had surgery to my eyes ,they told me

"You will see like blind people in the next 2-3 days and highly blured.Thats how blind people see .. enjoy :D"


And... end  :D


Thanks for you amazing info =D


So that is what blind ppl see.. blured light and darkness.. (I found that on google too)


Now... What do people with no eyes see O.o

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Its not black.

They can see the light and the dark ,but it will be highly blured and they wont see a shit .. Its like looking thru a chh2o water...

I know that ,cuz when i had surgery to my eyes ,they told me

"You will see like blind people in the next 2-3 days and highly blured.Thats how blind people see .. enjoy :D"


And... end  :D

That's just one level of blindness. Not every blind person can see that blurred way.

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close your eyes and see... :D


You mean, remove your eyes and see. Cause a complete blindness is caused by the lack of vision.

When you close your eyes, you can still see part of the light. So blind people can't actually see anything, including blackness. They are kind of doomed if you ask me. ;/

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